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I can't thank by name everyone who has supported me but please know I appreciate all of you. However, there are a few people that deserve a special mention. 

@lptvorik. My editor, critique partner, friend. You have been an unwavering oak. This has been a bumpy ride for me and I know, without a doubt that I wouldn't have gotten to the finish line without you. I know you won't accept it's but it's true. You are an amazing writer and I hope one day that you get the recognition that you deserve. I'm so glad you're in my life, I'd be lost without you 💕

@LittleMinx94 you've been my friend for a long time and are easily one of my favourite writers and favourite people (despite your obsession with Henry Cavil 😒) You are also an incredible beta reader. I'm hoping to publish NTL one day and you are instrumental in getting me there. You've been a soft landing for me so many times, I love you, lady. Hopefully, I'll be able to pay you back one day 💕

@ESHurricane my friend and fountain of knowledge. The self publishing journey is scary af but knowing that I have you there to help and advise me means so much. Thank you for being such a loyal reader, thank you for supporting me when I got hacked and waiting patiently as I rewrote NTL, thank you for helping me rebuild my platform. Thank you for boosting my confidence and for always being a steady voice of wisdom when I needed it. You're an amazing person and I'm so glad you're my friend 💕

@mgdalena921 a few months ago I hit a really bad writing slump and for weeks I felt like giving up. I felt defeated and like a failure. Then, I got a message from you in my inbox. You'd read my story and loved it. You'd taken the amazing step of creating a fan channel for it on your server. I was so unhappy in my life but I took a chance and replied, and when I got into the channel, I found these wonderful people creating character casts, making up theories and talking about my little book! It was the boost of confidence I needed.
Playing games, posting early snippets, holding votes on book covers, chapter titles and so much else has been the fun, happy place for me to go when I was struggling with writing and with life. Thank you so much for creating that place, it means so much and you and everyone else in that channel are so, so important to me. I love all of you. Thank you!💕

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