Important Stuff!!

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Hello my loves,

Firstly, I have one last favour to ask you. A few chapters ago I asked if any of you would be up for filling out a "Rate My Story" survey for NTL. Many of you responded that you would  (thank you!) so I've put one together! It's very simple, mostly multiple choice stuff and should only take you a few minutes but it would be so so helpful to me. Head on over to my profile/pm me for the link 😊

Secondly, I want to announce that Never Tell Lies is going to be self PUBLISHED!!! I'm so excited but damn, is there a lot of work to do!! I don't have a release date yet but hopefully, some day, you'll be able to buy a copy of your very own if you want to 😁

Thirdly, if you haven't already, please follow me or add NTL to your library as I will post an update about my next project in here and on my page at some point in the next few weeks and I would hate for you to miss it!

Fourth, in case you missed my last announcement of it, Alfie has his own one shot series available on my profile right now titled "Never Tell Origins." The first story will be posted on 30/08/20 so go ahead and add it to your library and/or reading list so you don't miss out!

FINALLY, I just want to give you all a heads up that I'll be changing my pen name soon to just AJ. Rella. It's prettier and easier to remember. I hope you all like it too! 😊

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!


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