𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 - ty lee

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word count // 1,077
pov //  3rd
request by // The_Cat_Whisperer01
shocked that i haven't done my best girl yet!  thank you for your wonderful request!!


"(Y/N), come here!" Ty Lee waved them over, her smile bright and her demeanor happy. She wore her white bikini, one of the pieces that made (Y/N) flush and butterflies grow in their stomach. Ty Lee held her and their towels in her arms, jumping on the balls of her feet with excitement for the day. "Can you help me lay out our towels?"

They cocked an eyebrow, grabbing their towel from the bubbly girl and straightening it out on the sand. They grabbed her towel and she watched as they treated her towel the same as theirs. Once they finished setting the towels up, they helped Ty Lee down and grabbed one of the umbrellas that Mai had packed.

Speaking of her, Mai was sat on her own towel, watching as Zuko struggled setting up their small area while Azula was already finished, propped under the largest umbrella with her arms behind her head. (Y/N) propped the umbrella in the sand and opened it, providing Ty Lee and themselves with shade from the blistering sun.

"Thank you, (Y/N)! Why are you so nice?"

They shrugged and removed their cover-up, fixing their swimsuit. They glanced at the girl next to them, watching her face flush and her shoulders hunch close to her ears. They smiled and sat down, reaching into their beach bag and pulling out sun lotion. They weren't a firebender, nor were they born in the Fire Nation, so they were more prone to sunburning than their other friends.

"Let me help you," Ty Lee grabbed the vile and opened it, cringing at the smell. "It can't smell nicer?"

"I think being protected is better than smelling super sweet."

"Never! You should smell how you look! Sweet and beautiful!" She applied a bit of the white lotion on their shoulders, massaging the substance into their skin and moving onto their exposed back. (Y/N) sighed, enjoying the miniature massage they were receiving from Ty Lee.

"Ty Lee, (Y/N)! After you both are finished, do you want to play a friendly game of volleyball with some of the guys over there?" Azula pointed to some boys over on a court, waving when the duo looked over. (Y/N) turned to Ty Lee and smirked, winking at the blushing girl. "We'd love to, Azula. We'll be right over."


"—Good game!" Ty Lee latched onto (Y/N), waving to the boys and pulling them to the water. "C'mon! Let's relax in the water! I bet it feels amazing!"

"Ty Lee, I'm going to have to reapply the sun cream if we go in the water, and that stuff is expensive!"

"I'm sure Azula can buy you some more, now come with me!"  Ty Lee pulled them into the water, nearly shoving them under.  They spat a steam of salt water from behind their lips, spraying the girl across from them and making her laugh and squeal happily.

They grabbed her, pulling her close to them and backing into the water, dragging her down with them under the water.  When they both broke the water's surface, Ty Lee splashed them with a miniature wave of water, laughing when (Y/N) fell back as if they had been knocked down during war.

"Zuko, Mai!  C'mere and play Chicken with me and (Y/N)!"

"No, thanks," the gloomy couple kept their place on their respective towels, though they were still cuddling.  Azula smirked and stole their drinks, as well as heated them from behind.  The couple eventually gave in, Mai propped on Zuko's shoulders, the boy now trapped in the water.  (Y/N) held Ty Lee on their shoulders, their feet digging into the wet sand and sinking slowly, making them readjust every few seconds.

"You guys can't cheat!"

"No chi-blocking!"

"Aw, that's mean!"

"Okay, you four.  I'll be your referee.  Starting in three, two, one!"  Azula counted down, and (Y/N) pushed forward, digging their heels into the sand.  They glared playfully at Zuko, sticking out their tongue and gripping tightly onto their partner's ankles.  Ty Lee locked hands with Mai and started pushing, laughing when Mai barely put in any effort, while Zuko was trying to overpower both Ty Lee and (Y/N) practically on his own.

"And the point goes to Ty (Y/N)!"

"Let's go, Maiko!"  (Y/N) sang as Mai resurfaced, Zuko helping her up.  They both glare at the teen, Mai getting onto her boyfriend's shoulders.  "You're going down, (Y/N)."


"And the winners are Ty (Y/N)!"  Ty Lee shouted and laughed with delight and tackled (Y/N) into the water, kissing their cheek while Mai and Zuko walked off, not before Zuko rolled his eyes and Mai sighed.  When the duo resurfaced, (Y/N) hugged the girl and brought her back to their towels under the umbrella, taking the umbrella down so the sun could dry them.

"I have to apply your lotion stuff!"  Ty Lee has grabbed the vial of sun cream, smiling when (Y/N) turned their back to her, asking to her start.  She opened the bottle and applied some to her hands, rubbing her hands together and setting them on (Y/N)'s shoulders.  She rubbed the lotion in, moving her hands from their shoulders to their shoulder blades and down to the base of where their swimsuit ended.  She flushed when the squirmed when she went a bit too lower, apologizing uncharacteristically quiet.

She asked them turn and face her, her face reddening when they did and smiled at her.  She smiled back and applied some cream to their face, squeaking when she started covering their neck to their collarbone.  She skipped their chest, going onto their legs and applying some tot he top of their feet.

Ty Lee took a small bit of lotion and massages it between her hands, applying it to (Y/N)'s arms and hands.  She handed the vial to them, keeping her gaze into he sand.  "Here you go, to apply to anywhere I missed."

She felt them kiss her cheek, making her already-red cheeks glow ever darker.  "Thank you, Ty Lee.  I really appreciate it."

Ty Lee smiled at them, her eyes squeezed shut and teeth shining.  (Y/N) smiled softly and applied cream to their chest, putting away the sun lotion and standing up.  "I'll go get us some drinks.  What do you want?"

"Just a water, please.  Thank you."

"Of course."


crappy ending, i know 🤷‍♀️

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