Chapter Four

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After arriving at the small base set up, with less than one hundred people, we met with my dad. It was quick a small hello and then we were sent to the real boss. That's when I learnt the real reason we were called back here. Since we're 'protectors' they needed us to go undercover. They would have sent my dad but he's too well known across each kingdom. So they're sending us the next generation of protectors but there's a small problem. My hair is a clear give away that I'm related to him. So that, mostly likely, means hair dye.

After explaining what we needed to do He told us to get ready. It took a bit but I did find some wash-out hair dye. I didn't see what color it was until after I was done. Now my hair is silver, just a almost clear silver. Kenma laughed when he saw me. because he dyed his hair in the other world no one would recognize him anyway so I just hope this lasts for now. If not then I'll be in serious trouble if we're found.

"Kenma! Ready to leave yet?" I asked. I didn't want to sound mean but we had to leave very soon. I had a weird feeling telling me we need to go to the eagles kingdom. I'm not sure why I had this feeling but usually it's almost always right. Like when I first met Kageyama, the same feeling appeared but less strong. It let me know that he was special like the team I joined. Together we could win. Together we're undefeatable or that's what I believe.

"Yes Shoyo I'm ready to leave." he replied in his old monotone voice before bursting out laughing. It was great seeing him get back to his old self "Yeah let's go." he added.

We both picked up a small bag that sme of the people here made for us. It was a handcrafted bag each with a symbol of our original kingdom. Mine being a crow and Kenmas a cat and claw-like marks that ran down the side of the bag. Since we had to use our crow forms we each decided to just carry the bag for now. I quickly shifted forms and took off flying into the sky with Kenma not far behind.

"So we're heading to the eagles, fun. Gives me a chance to get back at them for what they did all those years ago." he said smirking.

I played along with the joke. "I guess you're right but it was a simple water fight with the kids over there. Don't tell me that the 'great Kenma was scared of water'." What happened was true. I brought Kenma over to the border between the crows and eagles for a water fight. I just didn't tell him why and it didn't end well, for him at least. It was funny watching him freak out at first when he was hit by the water. I blame the cat form though. Sometimes one form can take more control then the others and even bring the traits of than forms origin. So that's why he freaked out that the 'cat side ' of him just took over that day. But if I'm being honest he already acts way too much like a cat without using the form.

"Whatever you say, let's just hurry up and figure out why you're basically being pulled to this place. If there's a reason for it then whatever the reason maybe he isn't good that's for sure." he flew ahead of me almost to the point where I could barely see him. He's just checking to see what's going on and to make sure there are no werewolves.

I suddenly felt an arm grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me don. I looked over to see Kenma. He had a serious look on his face so I didn't try to get free from his grip, I just let myself be pulled to the ground. Quickly after landing, Kenma didn't let go of my wrist, we ran towards the wall now surrounding the eagles.

"What's wrong? Did you see something bad across the other side?" I asked. Kenma nodded.

He took a deep breath before turning to face me. "There here." he whispered. "The werewolves are in there. A few eagles are trapped chains tying down their wings so they can't fly. If we go closer there's a chance one or both of us could end up like them." Kenma explained.

"That explains the feeling I was getting from here then. So what should we do now? Go back or stay and try to sneak in? Which one will be more of help to everyone else?"

"We should go back. Simple as that. We can explain what's happening here and warn everyone. Don't look at me like that we can't help them right now. What could we possibly do this is not a game you can't just jump around with your eyes closed hoping you score. You do know that right?"

I sighed, the one downside of him acting like his old self. He's not afraid to plain out call me out on doing or even thinking about doing something stuipid. I know he's right about this but I don't want to listen to reason. We were called back here for a reason to protect our people,e and help stop the war or soon to be war. I'm not sure what it is yet, but if I can't help them, what's the point of me coming here?

"Let's make a deal if I'm not back by tomorrow night then I won't ask you to set for me anymore when we go back to the human world. Look, you go back and warn everyone I'll be back soon. Seems fair?" I suggested the idea to Kenma. He looked at me for a moment but nodded.

"What do you get if you win?"

"We get our schools to have a practice game and I'll make sure you have fun during it. That's all."

Kenma laughed, shaking his head slowly. "Yeah that seems fair but good luck if you win it won't be that easy to make me actually enjoy playing volleyball. But if I win and you're not back I will drag you out of that place and you better not try to fight back and stay longer.

"Okay then I'll see you soon and when you get back keep an eye out for when Echo and Reign come back there might be a small surprise with them." I said. He nodded and let go of my wrist and I took off running. Man it felt good just to run again since I can't do it at volleyball practice right now this is the next best thing or it was.

I shifted by accident and now I'm stuck as a neko. Great they won't notice how strange it is that a neko is this far away from it's town but I can't really do anything right now. This is annoying when it happened but sometimes when I get scared in any form I'll shift to another one. Then I'm kind of stuck like that for a while luckily I didn't have to deal with that for a while though so it doesn't seem annoying right now.

I sighed but continued to run towards the wall. It was poorly built I could tell there were several cracks and small spaces where the blocks moved. I ran towards the wall and jumped, grabbing a hold of two of the loose bricks. I began to climb swinging back and forth so I could grab the next brick. It was like this for several minutes. I was tempted to just find another way in especially when I was about to let go of a brick and the next one broke in half. I made it to the top of the wall though and now I see what Kenma was talking about. A large group of eagles stood in the center of the town just barely in my line of sight.

Up here I could see another entrance but it was being guarded by someone. So it wouldn't be easy to get in through that way. I stayed close to the ground almost crawling as I made my way to the tower at the corner of the wall. There should be a ladder or some stairs here, another easy thing I won't have to worry about for a while.

Turned out I was right there was a ladder that led down. The only problem was I could see that the bottom half was broken, some pieces of the ladder almost just hanging on by a single piece. I could just jump down a good thing about being a neko right now. They're able to and on their feet like cats if they fall from a high place.

Halfway down the ladder I could hear someone talking as they were getting closer to where I was. Not good. I jumped down. I could land in time so I landed on the side of my leg and now I can say that was a mistake because now my leg hurts.

I whimpered moving into the corner of the room. I wanted to hide or at least try. The person's voice got louder until I could fully understand what he was saying.

"Boss said to patrol the area. I understand that but why here. No one could get in through the wall we built and if they did. We'd easly take'm down." the person who sounded like a man laughed. "They all fall to us the strongest of all the kingdoms. We'll be the last one's standing."

I sat down staying as quiet as I could as the man came closer. But with each step that echoed through the empty corridor the more I felt like I would shift by accident again. If he saw me when I shifted then it would not end very well for me. He wouldn't know what I originally was or what kingdom I belong to. I held my breath as the steps grew louder and louder until they stopped. I felt a strong aura faceing me looking down. Three words rang out as I painced. "I found you!"

The Crows War Old Version Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now