chapter six

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(Hinata's Pov)

Those three words rang out across the room I was in. fear took over my body and I found it impossible to move. Still in my neko form I started to shake, he was laughing at me.

"What are you doing here little neko? I thought all of your people ran and hid like the cowards they are." he said grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. "Whatever you're coming with me. Eagles love having something new that will give them hope to escape. That is until we crush their hope all over again." he started walking pulling me along. I stumbled trying to keep up until soon I was just being dragged along like I weighed nothing. That's the scary thing about werewolves, they are way too strong especially for their own good.

We went through several hallways until finally we reached the outside or well inside of the gate. Several other guards were stationed around only moving their eyes to see me being dragged. They must find it funny even without them laughing it was easy to tell.

Finally he let go of my arm and I instantly brought it up to my chest using my other arm to shield it from him. He pointed and I looked over to see the group of eagles from earlier. Now that I'm up close it seems like there was more than I expected. Maybe around seventeen or eighteen stood across from me.

Some looked shocked while others wore worried and scared expressions. I was pushed forward. "Over there now!" he yelled, I jumped but listened afraid not to. Man why did I have to get stuck as a neko. Don't get me wrong it's fun but they get easily scared. I accidentally ran into one of the closer eagles and almost fell but she caught me right as I was about to hit the ground. She pulled me into a protective hug and glared at the werewolf that had scared me. "Don't worry little one your safe with us." she whispered. That's great but why does she think I'm a kid because I am not. I'm sixteen years old.

He left after that and soon I couldn't actually see any werewolves around, even though I knew they were here. The lady that caught me earlier refuses to let me out of her sight for some reason, even after explaining that I wasn't a kid, she didn't seem to care about that and just kept an eye on me.

Right now we were in the one house the eagles could stay in, it actually had a lot of room in here way more than expected. There were three floors. I guess that's to separate by age or something like that. Each floor had ten small rooms each consisting of a bed, desk and shelf along with a window that was locked. It turned out that she was one of the adults here along with two others, the rest being around my age with four little kids who were hiding at the moment. She didn't tell me her name though so I started to call her Rose. I don't think she really mind, she just smiles whenever I say it.

I found out the reason why they didn't just fly out of here. It goes along with the reason why the kids are hiding. If they escaped then that would mean leaving behind a good amount of children who couldn't fly yet and probably would never learn.

I decided to stay on the bottom floor for now, that's were everyone mostly was. I just sat down next to the wall and ended up curling into a ball for a bit. I don't think anyone noticed, if they did then they were being extremely quiet. Right now I was facing the door but when I heard someone beating against the door I jumped up honestly scaring a few who came running to see what was happening.

Rose went to the door telling us to stay back. She must have known that something was going to happen. Several guards came running in, yelling very loudly to search the place and find anyone on the first two floors. Weird did they not know about the third floor then? Could be magic either that or the third floor is basically like an attic and no one has a reason to go up there except for storage. They dragged Rose out, her yelling screaming for us to run. That was until she went quite scary, they started rounding everyone up didn't even care that I wasn't like the others.

I got stuck next to two closer to my age, a girl and a guy who looked a lot alike, siblings maybe or possibly could be cousins? The girl kept breathing heavily, clearly panicking about what happened. The guy was trying to get her to calm down. I'm not sure what I should do or even if I should do something.

Before I realised someone, I think was their leader, started to speak. His voice boomed throughout the room and I whimpered a little scared from hearing him. "You better not try anything. Silly, if you do then I think you know what will happen." he said before his eyes fell on me. "What is a neko doing here?

Gathering up my courage I found the energy to speak. "I could ask you the same thing." I said with a smirk. "Last I checked this wasn't part of your territory, unless you acted against the treaty. Then that means I can do this." I got up my knees shaking a tiny bit and slowly started walking over to him.

I know this is probably stuipid probably one of the dumbest things I've done before but here we go. The closer I stepped the more I regretted my decision. I started to shift forms going between each one mixing up my appearance until I had the physical attributes of each group. I had a pair of mismatched wings, one an eagle and the other crow, neko ears and werewolf claws and tail.

"You will let us go or else!" my voice became louder with every word. A free of the guards dropped whatever weapon they had and backed up. I looked back at the group behind me. "Run and take to the sky." I said before knocking down the remaining guards that had weapons. Once that was taken care of I joined them flying to the sky. Sad thing was only the teens left. The adults stayed to find the younger children. I'm not sure if they'll escape any time soon.

I flew to the other side of the wall and landed on the ground. I started to cough for a few seconds. I had to bring my hand up to my face just to keep myself from being sick. That's when I realised it and I saw what had happened. Blood was running down my hand from what I did. My body shouldn't have been able to handle that but somehow it did and now I was paying the price.

I canceled the shift, slowly but painfully I returned to looking like a human. I stumbled backwards falling to the ground but someone caught me. I could barely see but it looked like the boy I was sitting next to earlier.

"H-hey you can calm down now." he stuttered. "You shouldn't be moving around much. Not after whatever that was."

"Is everyone that got out safe?" I need to know

"Y-yeah couple of bruises but besides that yeah we're all fine. But like I said , you shouldn't be moving around a lot.

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