Chapter 1- Its A Wrap![edited]

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Before I start this story, I just wanna say that nothing really happens in this chapter, BUT please stay with me! I promise it will be worth it in the end. It gets better, so just stick with me. Also chapters will get longer as we go on. Happy reading!! :)

Heros POV-

We finished filming After about a week ago and I have to admit, I'm kinda sad. It was so much fun to portray Hardin, and it was also fun to watch Jo play Tessa. She portrayed her character so well. That's one of the things I love about Jo. She is a very serious and an amazing actor. We have a really good relationship, me and Jo. Best friends even. I'm glad though because it's so much more fun on set when you're good friends with the people you're working with.

"Hero come on! Jeez, and here I thought all you had to do was slap a hat on!" she complains while banging on the door "You seriously take longer than my grandma, and she's 78".

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."I holler back. Bang bang bang. Jeez why is she in such a hurry? "Jesus woman I said I'm coming." I call out. I don't hear a response which confuses me. I look at the door and listen. The banging stopped, but where the hell is Jo? I open the door and I don't see and just when I begin to worry....

"BOO!!" she screams and jumps out from behind a car parked close by. I have to admit she scared the shit out of me.

"Jesus fuck, Jo!! You nearly gave me a heart attack. Mental this one!" I yell back, raising my arms in the air. She got me for a second.

She barks out a laugh. "Come on you have to admit! That was hilarious." She says laughing to herself again. We bicker back and forth a little longer before we start walking away from our trailers and towards where everyone is waiting for us. While walking down, Jo trips on a rock.

"Woah. Careful now." I say and steady her.

It felt good to touch her, even the slightest touches of her finger was enough to set me off. I have to admit, I did have some feelings for her. I have since the day we met in the lobby of our hotel before the cast dinner. She was just so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her, but I didn't want to make this awkward so I kept to myself.

I smile, and she returns it warmly. We ramble on about stupid things like the weather or how our hair looks as we wait for the rest of the cast to join us.

Everyone soon starts to gather around. She looks at me and smiles before turning to walk over to the others ladies. I head over to Shane, Swen, Sam, and the others, and we make small talk about football. Shane tells me the restaurant we are going to, and I think I've heard of it before. I just realized how hungry I was, and my stomach grumbles telling me I need to eat something.

A few minutes later, the car comes and picks everyone up. We all pile inside, one by one. Jo goes in last, so I sit next to her.

"Ready to party, lady?" I ask, with enthusiasm clear in my voice. I really am sad about filming being over, but I'm excited to party with my friends.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She reaches out for her bag on the floor. She then pulls out a tiny tube of lipgloss and reapplies some to her soft, pink lips before catching me starring and turning the other way.

An hour later we arrive to the restaurant/ club place and as soon as my feet hit the cold concrete, I can already tell tonight is gonna be fun!

(Hello everyone!! Thank you so much for reading my story!! I know this is a boring first chapter but trust me it's gonna get good! I don't have a posting schedule so please be patient with me!!! Love you all! -Sarah😊)

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