Chapter 6- What's Wrong With Her?

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Hero's POV-

Fuck! I am so happy she agreed to be my girl! She practically threw herself into my arms and it felt great, but when she crawled back in pain, I got really worried. Suddenly she starts screaming in pain. FUCK! WHAT DO I DO? I ask her what's wrong and she lays back and she fucking passes out. Holy shit!

"FUCK! JO! FUCK! SOMEONE HELP! I NEED A DOCTOR!" I scream running into the hallway. Two nurses and a doctor all run my way and take in the sight in front of me and walk over to her.

"Sir, what happened?" he asks. I'm trying to remember but all i can think about is her screaming in pain.

"I- I don't know she just started screaming in pain and holding onto her side like something was wrong! WHATS WRONG WITH HER?" i yell. Shit, i'm so worried about her. I'm trying to go over by her side but this fucking nurse is holding me back saying that the doctor needs room.

The doctor put something to Jo's side and starts to poke her sides with his hand. He gets a worried look on his face and then he yells, "WE NEED TO GET GER THE ER NOW! HER LUNG HAS BEEN PUNCTURED AND SHES GOING INTO SHOCK!" he yells the the nurses. He unplugs her hospital bed and starts moving it towards the door.

"Sir we need you to stay out here and wait. It's gonna take a while so just sit down and try not the think about it" the nurse tells me. But i'm in shock. I cant see, or hear, or breathe. Her lungs been punctured. Is she dying?

I watch as they take her the ER and I fall to my knees and start sobbing. What the fuck is going on? Am I gonna lose her? For fucks sake I just got her back!

I'm sobbing in front of everyone, but I don't give a fuck. My girl is in danger and i'm so fucking scared for her.

As i sit on the floor and pray to god she's gonna be ok, I see Anna, and everyone else run up to me and ask where she is and what's going on. I wipe away my tears and get up and hug Anna as hard as I can. I'm so fucking scared for Jo.

"She... I- Her lung is punctured and she went into shock. She was just rushed to the ER", I say to everyone. Inana starts to cry and she comes up and hugs me.

"Hero don't worry. She's gonna be ok. I know it. She's my best friend. I knows she's gonna be fine" she cries into my shirt. Before Jo agreed to be my girl, she was my best friend. I was her boy bestfriend, but Inana and Jo were so close. She was definitely her girl bestfriend and everyone knew.

I know Inana is just as scared for Jo as I am, so I hug her back, and comfort her.

We all go and sit on the couches waiting to hear from the doctors. I'm so desperate for Jo to be ok, so I drop to my knees in front of everyone, and start to pray again. I pray she's gonna be ok. I pray she's gonna survive this. And I pray, I hope to god, whoever did this to my sweet girl gets what they deserve. Shortly after, Inana joins me on the floor and starts to pray with me. Followed by Sam, Shane, Dylan, Khadija, and Anna.


Four hours later, some of us got some food and took turns sleeping in case the doctor came out for an update. Right now everyone is sleeping besides me when my prayers are answered.

The doctor walks out and calls my name. I run over to him and see he's smiling. "Hello sir, I'm happy to inform you that the surgery went well and she's stable, but she's not breathing on her own right now. She can only see one person at the moment, but she is asleep. Also don't be frightened when you go in. She has a large tube down her throat to help her breathe" he informs me. THANK FUCKING GOD! Jo's ok. My girl survived. I'm so happy right now, i'm practically prancing down to where he shows me where Jo is.

I gasp when I see her. She has a hospital gown on but you can see where she had her surgery. Her mouth is open with a tube down her throat,  like the doctor said. I rush over to her and place my hand on hers. "I will leave you two. She can't talk, but she can hear you. Talk to her. It might make her wake up". He explains.

"Jo, baby" i whisper. "I love you so fucking much. Please wake up, baby". I cant help the tears running down my cheeks and dropping on our joined hands.

Suddenly, I feel her hand put pressure in mine and I look up and she her beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. "Holy shit! JO!" i say and squeeze her hand. She removes her hand from mine and I see a marker and dry erase board next to her. She picks them up and draws a message.

*Hi Hero...*

I talk back. "Hey baby. Damn I was so scared for you, Jo". I cant help but start sobbing even more. Her hand goes up and wipes away my tears and I lean into her hand.

She writes another message.

*Sorry I scared you*

I lean over and say " Oh. It's ok baby! I'm just glad you're alright" I look at her and she notices. She starts to cover up her mouth, but I pull her hand away. "Hey, Jo. I love you" i say and she starts writing again.

*I love you, too <3*

I lean over and kiss her cheek. Suddenly I'm tired, so i lay my head on her arm and snuggle up. Suddenly I fall asleep, in the arms of the girl who has my entire heart.


Inana's POV-

I'm so fucking scared for Jo. She my best fucking friend and I'm sitting her helpless not able to do anything. Hero is crying and I want to comfort him. I pull him in for another hug and we just cry into each other's arms for a while. Me and Hero, we're friends but we were never that close, but we both knew that Jo was both of our best friends so I guess after today we're gonna get a lot closer.

"I'm so scared for her" we both say in unison. We both chuckle a small laugh and smile at each other.

"Hey guys i'm gonna go get some food. Who's hungry?" Dylan announced. Almost everyone said they were hungry, besides Hero and I. I was too scared to think about food right now.

Before I know it my eyes are getting heavy. I start to dose off  and sooner or later, sleep comes. Leaving me to dream that none of this even happened.


Jo's POV-

I wake up and my side hurts so badly. I look down and see Hero on my arm and I smile remembering our conversation earlier. I love this man with my whole heart.

As if he could sense my stare he wakes up and looks in my eyes. He comes up and gives my cheek a small peck before asking if I'm feeling alright. I give him a small thumbs up as the doctor walks through the door.

"Hello Miss Langford and Mr Fiennes Tiffin! I'm here to take you back into the ER. Don't worry though. Yours STATS show that you're able to breathe on your own again so we're gonna be removing your tube. We are gonna have to put you under, i'm afraid" he states. I'm  so glad this thing is gonna get out of my throat because I hate not being able to tell Hero how much I love him.

I give the doctor a thumbs up, and Hero kisses my cheek, and he rolls me to the ER.


I wake up again with no tube down my throat and Heros face resting in my arms. God, I love this man. I play with his hair for a bit before he wakes.

"Hey" I say, my voice hoarse and almost lost. He puts his hand on my cheek.

"Hey, baby" He replies. My heart skips a beat when he calls me that.

I pull him up to my face by his shirt and kiss him. Not rough, but it's just enough for my heart to melt as he places his hands on my face. He pulls away with a smile on his face.

"Jo, I love you so much" he says with heart eyes.

"I love you, too. So much" I say back. And I mean it. I'm a lucky girl.


(Hey everyone. Thanks for reading! This story would be nowhere with out y'all! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think will happen next!! Love you all! -Sarah 😊)

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