Chapter 9- Lets Do It!

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Hero's POV-

It's been two weeks. Jo has been getting a lot better. Her side is hurting less and a less and she is finally walking without the walker. She still needs me to help her sometimes, though.

She's still getting nightmares, too. Every night. Each day it's getting worse and worse, I think she might need to see a therapist. I'm really worried about her, but every time I ask she just says she's fine and it will all be over soon. I hope she's right. I hate seeing her so scared when I wake her up from her nightmares. It makes me wanna hug her forever.

I don't know why but everyone is still here. In Atlanta, I mean. I think they're all just worried about Jo, so last night we arranged for all of us to meet up for dinner at a local restaurant tonight.

I am finishing up getting ready when Jo calls for my help. She is still having trouble changing by herself. I walk over and help her into her dress. She looks stunning, as always.

"Jo, you look amazing. I love you" I say and kiss her forehead. She leans into me and hugs me.

"I love you too, Hero" she says and kisses me. It's gentle. I'm still scared to touch her.

The other night she said she was feeling better and she wanted to have sex for the first time since her accident. I was scared I was gonna hurt her. As soon as I hovered over her, she stopped me. I could tell she was scared, so I didn't push her any further. We just cuddled and watched movies the rest of the night.

I get ready myself and as i'm putting gel in my hair she comes up behind me. "You almost ready?" she asks.

"Ya, just finishing up my hair" I say. She goes to put her shoes on, but I see her struggling and I finish my hair quickly and walk over to her. "Let me", I say and bend down. I kiss each foot before placing them in her heels. He smiles at the gesture, and we eventually walk out the door. I help her to the elevator and she looks scared. I forgot she was afraid, so I guide her to the stairs and I help her down, holding her arm the whole time.

Once in the lobby, I call for an Uber, sine everyone else was already at the restaurant, and we were still in the hotel. "It should be here soon" I say and walk back over to her, grabbing her arm.

"Ok" she says. It's short and I can tell somethings wrong.

"Baby, is everything ok?" I ask. She looks at me and shrugs.

"Nothing, I'm just- I- I don't want any of them to think of me differently" she explains. Is she mad? No one is gonna think of this girl differently.

"Jo. I can guarantee that nobody thinks of you any differently. If anything they think of you the exact same. They were probably more worried about you then they were judging you. I promise" I say and kiss the top of her head.

"Ok. Thanks" he says and snuggles into my chest. It's a bit cold out and she should have worn a jacket, but the uber is almost here and there's not time to go back up to the room.

She shivers. "Here, babe" I say and give me my jacket. "It's cold out here". She smiles and takes it.

"Thank you. I was freezing" she says and squeezes my hand. She looks adorable. High heels, a beautiful blue dress, and my over-sized leather jacket. Her nose is a light shade of pink from the cold. I lean down and press my lips to the top of her nose and she giggles. I love that sound. It's the most amazing and lovely sound I've ever heard.

The uber pulls in shortly after, and we hop in before either of us gets frost bite.  I sit down first and then I pull her to my side, as we drive to the restaurant. "Jo, what's the place called where were going" I ask.

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