Chapter 18- Shaking

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Jo's POV-

As I was being wheeled away, I begin to get nervous. I'm a bit scared for my CT scan. As far as a I can remember, I've never had one.

We go into the elevator and we are brought to the third floor. The doctors wheel me into a large room and inside, it's split into two parts. One part has the scanner thing I have to get into, and the other half is the observation room where there's a bunch of computers and stuff.

"Ok Josephine. So, we are gonna have you lay down in this machine for your scan. It won't hurt at all, but there will be a continuous noise. Almost like a hammer hitting metal. Now when you're in this machine, you're going to have to be as still as you possibly can be. It's very important that you make no movements. This will last for about 45 minutes to an hour" Dr. Alveres informs me. He helps me up onto the flatform and I start moving back into the machine.

Great! A loud thudding noise blasting in my ear for an hour straight AND not being able to move.

I smile as I'm pushed into the back of the machine, hoping the loud banging sound isn't as bad as it seems.

Just then a loud banging sound starts and of course it's even louder than I thought. This is going to be long.

About 10 minutes into the scan I feel my eyes getting heavy. I don't know if I can sleep in here, but I snap my eyes open and try to stay awake. Out of nowhere, I hear a voice. It's coming from a speaker inside the machine somewhere. "Josephine, please stay as still as possible" I hear his voice. What? I'm not even moving. What is he talking about? "Josephine, your hand. Please stop shaking it" he adds. I look down at my hand and it's shaking. What the hell? I look at the other one and see it's shaking too.

I start feeling dizzy. Why am I dizzy?

I look at the top of the machine and see a bright light, causing the all too familiar darkness to seep  into my eyes.

"DOCTOR! SHES SEIZING!!" I hear someone's voice say.

Everything goes dark.


Hero's POV-

As Jo is being wheeled out to go get a scan, I decide to call the others and tell them what happened. I decide to ring Inanna first. She picks up on the first ring.


"I know. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner. Jo she's in a CT scan right now" I say. "She lost her memory". A tear forms in my eye.

I hear her gasp. "What? How? Does she remember anything?" She asks.

"The doctor says she doesn't remember anything from the last 4 months" I tell her and I can't help the sobs falling from my mouth.

"So... She doesn't remember you? Or how you kissed Khadijha?" she asks. My blood instantly boils.

"I DIDNT KISS HER! SHE KISSED ME!" I scream into the phone. "Josephine doesn't remember me! She doesn't remember anything! Not even that she was kidnapped! TWICE!" My sadness turned to anger. Anger for that Jackass who took all her memories of us away.

Leo. I'm gonna kill him.

"AND KHADIJHA'S STUPID EX-BOYFRIEND KICKED HER IN THE HEAD!" I yelled. I threw my phone against the wall and it shattered into three pieces! SHIT! Oh shit! I hurry over to it and there's no way of saving the phone now. It all messed up. Just as I finished discarding of the phone, the doctor rushes into the room with a very worried face. "What!? WHATS WRONG?!" I yell.

"Sir we need you to step out of the way NOW!" he yelled. Just then, I see a bed being wheeled in by four doctors. There's a body on it. It's shaking very rapidly. As I get a closer look, my face loses color.


"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHATS HAPPENING?" I yell. My poor baby. Foam starts coming out of her mouth and her eyes roll back into her head. FUCK!

"Sir we need you to leave the room NOW!" one of the doctors tell me. But I cant move. I'm just starring at the body of my poor Jo shaking. She looks scared. One of the doctors pull me out of the room and close the door behind them. What the fuck is going on?

Is she having a seizure?


Leo's POV-

This bitch has gotten away from us TWICE! Because of her little boyfriend! I have a HUGE amount of money waiting to be put into my bank after I deliver her to The Shark. I may be in the damn cell but my buddies are coming to bail me out today. THANK FUCK! This place smells my shit and the food is like cardboard. I swear it's just plastic. "Leonardo Kelth" I hear someone say. "You have been placed under bail. Please gather your belongs and put them in the bag" The lady hands me a clear plastic bag and I quickly stuff everything into it.

I had a lot of time to think of a new plan. A plan that involves getting that bitch once and for all. She won't see it coming. And her little bitch Hero won't be able to save her when it finally does happen. Shes worth some big bucks, and that's the only reason we're trying to get her so badly. $1.5 Billion. Ya I know.

"Hey guys thanks for getting me" I tell them once everythings been settled. "So I have a new plan. And this one will make sure that Hero won't come and fuck us over again". My smile was as big as my hope for this plan. If this fails, then The Shark will kill us. Just like he did with everyone else who failed 3 times.

No pressure at all.





(Hello Eveyone!! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while! School is stressing me so I don't have much time or inspiration. Don't forget to vote and comment! What do you think Leo is gonna do? Let me know in the comments! Love you all! - Sarah😊)

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