Chapter 11- Who Are You?

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Jo's POV-

I'm blindfolded. My hands and feet are tied together, and I'm being carried. I groan, which causes whoever is holding me to put me down. Suddenly I can see again. I'm back there. In the alleyway with the same three disgusting men. "What do you want?" I say. One of them looks at me and smiles.

"Princess. Ifs not what we want. It's what you will give us" he says. I hear the other two men say Hero's name. What does Hero have to do with this?

"Hey! Hero has nothing to do with this! Leave him alone!" I shout. I feel a foot connect with my side and I yell out in pain.

"Shut up you bitch" one of the men says.

"No! Leave him alone! And let me go!" I yell even louder. A fist hits my jaw. Then a foot collides with my head. "NO! PLEASE! STOP!" I scream, desperate for anyone to hear me.

"Josephine!" I hear a voice calling me. "Jo please wake up, it's only a dream!" I recognize the voice. It's Hero.


My eyes shoot open. I'm met with Hero hovering over me with panic in his eyes. He wipes the tears away from my eyes, and places a soft kiss on my forehead. I reach up and hug him. I love him so much.

"It's alright. It's ok, baby. I'm here" he tells me, while rubbing my hair. I cry into his chest for a few more minutes and eventually, we lay back down. I cuddle up next to him. He falls asleep within minutes. I, however, can't sleep. I never can after I wake up. I just stare at Hero as he sleeps. He looks so at peace. So beautiful.
His lips slightly parted, his soft snores, and his face is so relaxed. I wish we could stay like this forever.


Hero's POV-

I wake up to hearing whimpers from next to me. I stir in my sleep and then realize it's Jo. I open my eyes and she starts screaming. SHIT! She's having a nightmare!

"Jo! Baby wake up" I shake her shoulder. She screams again and I hear footsteps from the hallway. "Jo wake up, it's just a dream" I say and shake her again.

Her eyes shoot open and she's starts crying. I hate seeing her like this. I hold her in my arms and the door opens. It's Inanna. She looks at me and Jo doesn't hear her come in. I mouth "she's ok. I will explain later" to her and she nods her head and quietly closes the door. I comfort Jo, telling her it's ok. After a few more minutes, we lay down. She's cuddled up against me and after a while I drift off to sleep.


When I wake up again, it's 9:30 AM. I'm met with Jo's beautiful eyes looking at me. "Morning, beautiful" I say and she smiles and pecks my lips.

"morning" she says. She yawns. She doesn't go to sleep after her nightmares. She stays up. I hate that. It's makes her very sleep deprived and she's starting to get bags under her eyes. She's still beautiful, though.

I bring her to my chest and let out a sigh of relief.

What seems like hours past, but when we get up and out of bed it's only 10 AM. Me and Jo shower and get ready, then we head down stairs to see if anyone else is awake. To our surprise no one is. Or so we thought.

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