Chapter 2- A Night To Remember

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Jo's POV-

The music is loud as the waitress takes us to the large table in the back. I sit down at the end and Hero sits next to me, which I am grateful for. We really do have an amazing friendship. Even after what happened a few months ago. We dated for a month, but Anna said it would interfere with the movie so we called it off. It brought us together as good friends though, so that's great!

"Hi my name is Mary and I will be your waitress for today!" the woman says with a warm smile. Everyone already knows what they want which surprises me because I'm so indecisive. I go with a water and a chicken salad, and Hero goes for some sort of sub sandwich and a Pepsi.

"Alrighty sounds great! We will be back but since you have such a large group it might take 45 minutes to an hour!" she beams. She seems to have taken a liking to Hero because she can't stop staring at him. That makes me a bit annoyed.


45 Minutes later our food has arrived. We passed the time by talking about random things like the music playing. I like it. It's good dancing music so i will definitely be dancing later on tonight!

The food is delicious and everyone finishes pretty quickly. Anna calls over the waitress and orders a bottle of champagne, a few pitchers of beer, and some shots, which I'm greatful for. I'm definitely getting drunk tonight. I hope this is a night to remember.

"Hey Jo we should dance later. You're beaming from your seat!" he looks at me and smiles. He does that a lot but I don't mind. I enjoy it, really.

"Ya of course! I just wanna have a drink first!" I yell over the music that is beginning to get louder. I wanna feel the buzz. It will drown out all my sadness because it's still there. This has been the most fun I've had in years, filming this movie. It's been great and so much fun, especially the scenes with hero. My favorite was probably the lake scene or the montage scene because we literally didn't even notice they were filming half the time. It was awesome. We were just laughing and messing around while eating cold Chinese food. It's a really memorable moment and I don't think I will ever forget that day.

"Jo did you hear me?" Heros voice pulls me from my trance and I shake my head and apologize. "I said the drinks are here. Here have some champagne" he says whilst filling the glass in from of me. I don't mind champagne, in fact I actually really enjoy it. Hero has a glass of beer and he chugs half of it within 10 seconds. I laugh to myself.

Just then Anna stands and hits the side of her glass and I think She is gonna make a speech.


Anna's POV-

I stand up to make a toast. Tonight is going to be very emotional not only for me though because I know everyone in this cast has become such close friends and family. I tap my champagne glass and all the attention turns to me. "Hey everyone. I just want to say how incredibly proud I am of everyone who had something to do with this movie! It has been an incredible time over the past few weeks and I'm so sad to se you all leave over the next week. It's crazy how fast time has flown by. I also want to thank the entire cast for helping my fan fiction turned book and now turned movie bring my characters to life. It's so emotional to watch all of you perform the roles and i couldn't ask for a better cast. But i especially want to thank Hero and Josephine. Without them this movie would not be where it is right now. In my head I was so scared we weren't gonna find the perfect Hardin and Tessa but as soon as I saw both of you, I knew my literary babies were gonna come to life" I start crying. I knew I shouldn't have worn mascara! "So thank you two so much for bringing my fantasy into a reality. I am so proud of movie and everyone involved in it . It's is so touching and even though I am very sad to see you all go" I feel brave and take a shot and look around at everyone "LETS PARTYYYY" I yell and everyone starts cheering.

I wipe my tears away and Hero and Jo come up to hug me. Jo is crying and I can see Hero is trying not to. He's such a softie sometimes, but I love him for it. I love this entire cast with my whole heart and soul and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I watch as everyone takes a shot together and then they all start to disperse around and dance with the music. Tonight is gonna be so much fun I can just feel it!

(Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story! Buckle up because the next chapter is CRAZYYYYY! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Love you all so much! -Sarah😊)

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