Pittoo x Reader Secret Guardian

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You walked down a street. In 15 minutes you're going to meet your friend.

It's just a normal monday |I hate mondays XD| and of course you've got school.

But somehow, you felt excited. You don't know why but... Something is going to happened today!


Your friend called. After a bit talking you two get inside the school.

Today, school was just boring. But your feeling didn't get away. |Because you're really feeling it! ~Shulk|

After school you hugged your friend and walked down the streets again. After a while you put on your headphones.

You listened to your fave song. And everything around you slowly disappeared.



You heard a car tire. When you opened your eyes you only saw a car right infront of you. You were too shooked to think about something. You just closed your eyes again.

You didn't felt the pain of the impact. You just felt a light breez. You also couldn't felt the ground anymore. It was like you're flying!

,You know you can open your eyes now, you know.'

A unfamiliar voice told you. You obeyed and opened your eyes. But you couldn't believe them!

You were flying! You're in the clouds so you couldn't see what's below you but... You're flying!

,You should open your eyes more often.'

The voice told you again. This time you could hear that the voice came from behind you. You turned around a bit to see... A angel!

,Name's Dark Pit.'

The Angel told you. He didn't actually look like a angel. I mean, he looks like it. He has wings and so on but... His hair, wings and his outfit are black. And you always thought angels are white.

,,Who are you?"

You asked him. He rolled his eyes and answered.

,My name is Dark Pit. Can't you listen?!'

You smiled.

,,So you're that special thing which I was feeling all day!"

You said excited. After a while you could feel ground under your feet again. Dark Pit wanted to go immediately but you grabbed his hand.

,I have to go.'

He snapped out. You smiled again.

,,I just wanted to say thank you, My secret guardian!"

Dark Pit blushed a bit. You let go of his hand.

,No problem (Name). And remember, I will always be there if you need me.'

Then he flew off. You waved at him and started walking again. What you couldn't see, was that he was also smiling

For @MelodiOzturk

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