Part 3: Plan C-173-Alpha/Beta/Delta

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Plan C-173-Charlie can only be used if ALL else fails

Status: incomplete-reason: too many unknowns

Plan C-173 "world superpower"

Type: world domination/conquest/regime

Result: formation of a united world government with me as the head president/Emperor (note: this depends on whether monarchy is still useful or creation of a dictatorial regime. TL;DR: whether or not I abolish the monarchy is another story)

Reasoning: since the current era seems to be in medieval times, the use of gun powder doesn't exist. Industrial revolution hasn't happened, modern medicine doesn't exist. After unlocking the "knowledge of humanity" skill, I could advance what used to be over half a millennia of technology within just a few decade or a century(note: since "stillness of an object's time" stops my own time, I can spend as long as needed)

1. Star as an adventurer and slowly gain notoriety as a "powerful and wise" personnel, also here start creating a cult of personality and some minor power consolidation within the Adventurer Guild

2. After gaining an occult following, start earning favors from the nobility by potentially staging some events in which there next in line or reputation would take a massive hit, the use of blackmail or other similar social engineering method is recommended for swift power/wealth accumulation.
Another power consolidation is the use of Aqua to perhaps take over her worshippers

3.after killing the demon king, massive amount of influence will be gained, use the influence to either
A. Start a revolution
B. Introduce myself as a "bringer of knowledge" (note: this option require the use of a puppet leader)
C. Take over demon kind as a new demon king, failing that, marry the current demon king's daughter a establish a patriarchy amongst the demon nobility. Start a purge to consolidate power under the pretense of "eradicating the bad element in demon kind" to other nation. Note: this should be done extremely quickly so the use of EXTREME PREJUDICE is authorized in order to not alert the gods(note: the usage of a no prisoner policy is used freely)

Option A-only viable if the current regime is terrible to its citizen

Option B-limited usage since it depends on the leader and the potential of said leader to already be a puppet to someone else

Option C-after taking over and purging, in order to expand and not make a gods think that I am a new demon king, abolishing the monarchy and the nobility is a must and establishing another form of government is required. Concurrently, partial democracy or a "friendly dictatorship" is recommended in order to take over the following power vacuum. The usage of a spy network is recommended in order to take down rebellion. Potential introduction of nuclear weapon or other similar firepower magic weapon may be used to stamp out rebellion. (Policy allowed: No prisoners, Extreme Prejudice, weapons of mass destruction, mental magic, anti magic, espionage, mass execution, public execution, massive PR propaganda, limited the travel between towns, and finally only when all else fail: Code Name: English Socialism)

4. For the first 2 start introducing modern firearm and tactics. Potential use of WMD is authorized. Start taking over the world

For C, it will take longer, start taking over the government, form a puppet government out of all the nations, support revolutions, support terrorists and destabilization efforts, form monopolies. TL:DR do whatever it takes to make it so that the enemy themselves want to join the newly established demon democracy/dictatorship

Religion- moderate
Aqua- extreme
Luna- moderate
Kazuma- maximum(get rid of him in a opportune time, his luck stat is too great could be a hindrance)
Demon king- maximum(big bad)
Demon king's daughter- unknown

Y/N: 'alright so that's all I have for now...Hmm not much, definitely need a backup, hell... Multiple dozens of backups required if I want to take over and uplift these people'

I then take a look at the time: oh crap it's so late! The process of power consolidation has already started, now just need something to speed it up... hmm what should I do?'

Y/N: now that I think about it, is this what I really want out of this life? I've said it once and I'll say it many more time, "I'll live how I want to live"...Hmm ya know what? I think as I look at another plan, Yes...yes this plan will do' hehehehehehhahahahahahahaahhaaaha

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