Chapter Seven

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✰  Two Sundaes Please  

Ever since we got back home from the set Emily has been ignoring me. She even stole the battery's out of my television remote just to piss me off. Every time I try and apologize to her she drops everything shes doing and just glares at me. I know I sort of stole her career and everything but the least she could do was be a little bit happy for me. Was that too cocky? Who am I kidding, I'm always cocky.

I swear Emily has resting bitch face, I just didn't notice until now. I'm beginning to see a lot of things that I didn't before. She cakes her makeup on like its no tomorrow, wears stripes with pokkadots, and does a horrible job at painting her own nails. No wonder she pays $30 to get them done.

I walk out of my room downstairs and into the kitchen. Mom was leaning on the counter reading the daily newspaper. Emily looked up at me and put her head in her hand. There's that oh so pleasant face I was talking about earlier. 

"Hey mom. Some of the boys from the cast are going out to Applebee's tonight at 8 can I go?" I opened the fridge and grabbed a soda.

"I don't mind, but take your sister. She looks like she just survived Titanic with all that smudged makeup." Emily and my eyes go wide at the comment she made about her own daughter. 

"It'll be good for both of you to get out of the house for once. All you both do is laugh at that little screen of yours." She sighs.

✰  Time Skip 


A/N- I'm forcing you to wear this. You know its a little bit cute.

 You know its a little bit cute

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I finished changing into my outfit tonight and looked into my mirror. I thought I looked pretty cute for once. I twirled in front of the mirror and fixed the cuffs of my jacket. I remember when my dad gave me this jacket before he died. I got it for my 12th birthday. I wonder if my dad would be proud of me if he could see me now.

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