Part Six - Hero x Villain 4 Life

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Back at the hotel everyone huddled around the tv in the downstairs lounge. All that the local news channels would cover was the incident with the water creature and the man that took it down. You sat on the stairs and observed them blankly as they argued amongst each other over who/what he could be.

    An alien.

    A mutant sailor.

    A witch.

You wanted to laugh but you were still super bummed out over the fact that your grand superhero reveal had failed.

Peter stood next to you, hiding slightly behind the stairs while calling his Aunt May.

"Doctor Strange, May. Doctor Strange." You heard him reply in frustration.

You peered at him solemnly through the wooden bars of the staircase. "I thought he was Dr. Strange too."

He furrowed his eyebrows at you and continued with his phone call.

Now everyone was arguing over which hero was the strongest.

"Scarlet Witch," you suggested.

Flash rolled his eyes and started raving about Spiderman.

Peter ended his call and rejoined the group.

"What's up dickwad?" Greeted Flash. "Thought you drowned."

"Mysterio!" Someone said.

He ignored him.

"Sounds like his name's Mysterio." Said Brad.

"L'huomo del misterio is Italian for 'man of mystery.'" MJ replied.

Brad looked at her in admiration and Peter glared at him with annoyance evident in his face.

"Mysterio..." you let the word melt on your tongue. It sounded and felt so right to you for some reason.

Peter and MJ started chatting about Paris and you glowered in the corner.

What if you never got to see Mysterio again?

As soon as they got into an awkward silence you pulled Peter up the stairs.

"(Y/N), w-what are you doing?" He looked back at MJ who looked back at him, and at you suspiciously.

"We need to talk." You gave MJ a dead smile and continued tugging Peter up the stairs. Ned saw you guys leaving and slipped away from Betty himself to meet up with you guys.

"Peter have you answered Fury's calls yet?"

He looked taken aback at your question. "I- how do you know about that?"

"...did you forget I work with Shield Spider Boy?"

His face dusted red. "I've been ghosting him."

"Omg!" You exclaimed. "What for?"

"I'm just trying to enjoy this vacation. I'm tired of playing hero."

Your eye twitched in anger. "Didn't look like it out there with your buddy Mysterio."

"You saw?"

"Yeah, I was trying to-" You almost revealed the fact that you had a suit but stopped yourself. You didn't need anyone else knowing about your big time superhero fails.

"You were trying to what?"

"Nothing." You snapped. Ned looked kind of embarrassed to be in the middle of your argument, kind of just looking off to the side awkwardly.

Peter looked upset but he didn't say anything further.

"I have information." You announced blandly.

Both boys motioned for you to continue.

"I have information about Mysterio." You took in a deep exaggerated breath. "I saw a video of him before."

Now you had sparked their interest.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

"Of the alien guy?" Followed Ned.

"Yes." You replied. "Look, he was fighting the same water monster." You whipped out your phone and started scrolling until you found the video you recorded from YouTube. You played it for them and they scratched their heads with confusion.

"Where was that?"

"Ixtenco, Mexico."

"So are they like a duo or something?"

"You mean like Batman and the Joker?"

"Yeah, like eternally bound to fight each other. Forever tied togethe-"

"I don't know...? It's all I got."

You could see the wheels churning in their heads and bid them goodnight.

It was cold in your room and it felt too big and too empty for just one person.
You decided to go enjoy the Venecian nightlife.

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