Part Two - High School Blues

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It was the last day of school at Midtown High.

You stared into your mess of a locker. It had most definitely not been a great idea to decide to take all of your stuff home at once. Yet here you were, trying to turn your backpack into a locker. The thought of throwing away all the crumpled Avengers fan art you had spilling out of your folders and notebooks was horrifying, but they were taking up too much space in your backpack. Smoothed under the palm of your hand, you placed the draft sketches under the front cover of your stolen AP [psychology] book. After that, you threw away all of your math work to make space. Everything fit perfectly. Even your little [Levi] plushie.

There was only one item left to pack - a little mirror hung on the inside of your locker's door. It wasn't to see yourself - you hated looking at yourself in public in fear of a breakdown - but to see those around you. You prided yourself in being acutely aware of your surroundings. That's how you noticed that the school's weekly newscast was about to play.

A bit of sadness tug at your heart as you gave your empty locker one last look. You didn't feel bad at all about graduating high school. Not one bit. It was just unfortunate how your best memories in it were your senior year after having to switch schools. Now it was time for the college life. Adulting. You cringed and went to the nearest tv monitor in the hallway in order to hear Betty Bryant and Jason Ionello's broadcast.

The random stock pictures in the tribute made for the fallen Avengers were literally such bad quality compared to the touch wallpaper on your phone ... but it still made you depressed at how your childhood idols were DEAD.

You never got to see America's Ass in person.
(yeah he wasn't dead just old, unlike the public you knew the truth - but you'd rather think that he was dead versus a grandpa)

Or Agent Romanoff roundhouse kicking a villain in the throat.

You never got to see Vision and the Scarlet Witch be happy!

And you never got to meet Tony Stark.

You never got to tell him-

You laughed at how pressed Betty was at Jason.

You laughed at how pressed Betty was at Jason

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Watching the snap someone took of the school's marching band just popping up again in the middle of a basketball game made you remember how now you were basically [twins] with your [sibling]

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Watching the snap someone took of the school's marching band just popping up again in the middle of a basketball game made you remember how now you were basically [twins] with your [sibling]. Also, your [fat cat] manifesting itself above you after the universe was restored was an epic fail. It gave you a concussion.

The Blip.

Good thing Earth's mightiest heroes restored the half of all life that Thanos had snapped away.

"'s been a long, dramatic, somewhat confusing road." Betty closed,
"As we draw this year to a close, it's time to move on to a new phase of our lives."

Jason hijacked the closing, "Pray nothing crazy happens because are the Avengers even a thing anymore? Does anyone have a plan?"

Oh, and you did have a plan.
To enjoy your last high school memory - the science trip to Europe.
Even if it was as a chaperone.

You peeked into different classrooms searching for Ned and Peter.

They were sitting in the [subject] room, with Peter excitedly whispering to Ned about some plan. You giggled because you knew exactly what he was talking about. His plan to steal MJ's heart. You were about to beeline towards them but saw MJ approach their table out of nowhere.

"What's up, dorks? Excited about the science trip?"

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"What's up, dorks? Excited about the science trip?"

Ned blurted out that they were discussing Peter's plan and you literally cringed in secondhand embarrassment for the poor boy wonder.

They somehow managed to cover their tracks but you couldn't figure out whether that was better or worse. The trio's awkwardness never failed to amaze you. It made you feel better about your own actually. 

MJ was on point with mentioning the importance of using a VPN though. Almost made you wonder what she had to hide...

You cocked your head to the side with a half-hearted smile as she neared the doorway you were leaning against. Her light brown eyes widened at the sight of you - startled - but only for a second. "(Y/N)! Uh ... what about you? You have a plan?"

"A plan for what?" You asked, as if you hadn't just overheard their whole conversation.

"For the trip."

"Oh yeah, of course. My plan is to ditch all of you and go on some epic ghost tours~"

"Don't ditch me," MJ gave you a look of genuine protest. "I'll go with you."

"Does sound like your type of thing." You mused. A faraway look settled in your eyes, as if deeply considering her joining you. "...I don't know. Someone needs to stay behind and look out for Peter."

Her mouth twitched at the corner, caught off guard. "Me? Look out for Peter? Yeah right..." A drizzle of pink coated her cheeks.

You were very pointed with letting her know that you were onto her as much as she thought she was on to everyone else. But you continued on like nothing. "You think that if cadaver dogs were let loose in the colosseum they'd ever stop barking?"

MJ's eyes held obvious apprehension for you but she smiled in approval at your question. "That would make a cool experiment. I'm mostly excited for the Eiffel Tower though. I heard it's a mind control thing."

"I prefer the classics," you sighed dramatically, "like the Catacombs. But yeah. That's an interesting conspiracy theory. "

Her smile dropped a bit. "Uh yeah well, I got to go (Y/N). See you."

"Bye MJ." She sprinted out of the classroom, leaving you to walk up to your two friends.

"Dude, I think that went really great." Ned obliviously told Peter, referencing their own conversation with MJ a few seconds ago. Peter rolled his eyes and shook his head, giving you a look of - can you believe him?

Oh, the trip was going to be great.

You could feel it already.

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