Part Three - Heather Parker

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Welcome to the
Charity Dinner

You gazed at the blue and white posters draped over the balcony of the building's packed auditorium.


An arc made out of balloons stood behind Aunt May and Peter - who was dressed in the Iron Spider Suit. He seemed so nervous up on the stage. Practically shrinking away to the shadowed corners of the wooden platform. Stiff as a board. You wondered what went through his mind. Was he thinking about his plan to tell MJ how he felt? Was he thinking of Tony? Did he need to use the bathroom?

Once May gave her introduction and presented him to the audience you could hear the microphone go hoarse like his own voice. He could only squeak out thank yous and backed away awkwardly. His aunt saved him though, saying he'd be right back out for photos. She followed him behind the stage curtains with a wide smile. Cameras flashed but the spotlight remained shining on nothing but emptiness.

You tuned out the voices of everyone around you and started observing the crowd. You were nervous too, but it didn't show. There was no expression on your face. Only a deep concentration twinkled in your eyes. Even the little baby crying at the table next to yours didn't shake your focus. You were looking for-


A chubby man with a grey beard got startled out of his walk and gazed at you in confusion. "Uh-yes?"

You threw yourself out of your chair and skipped towards him.
"Happy I've been hunting you down for the past year."

He looked kind of scared. As scared as he could look from a teen female stalker. He couldn't figure out how to respond to you. His mouth simply opened and closed again, eyebrows scrunched together.

"I'm (F/N) (L/N)." You offered.

His worried gaze increased. "(Y/N), I-"

"Ah, so you do know who I am."
"Of course, I've read all your fan letters to Tony and all the stuff that you sent-"

"For real? So he read my letters? The Tony Stark read my letters to him?"

"Not exactly. Well I don't know. (Y/N) you have to understand that he received thousands of letters per day."

"Well yeah, I know. None of them were like mine though."

He looked at you sadly. In pity.

Your cheeks started to burn up. "You know what? Nevermind that's fine. Have you forwarded my work to Pepper? Can I intern at Stark enterprises? See Tony's old tech? I'm starting university this fall and I think it would be a great opportunity t-"

"(Y/N)," Happy interrupted. "It was really nice to meet you and I'll see if Pepper can look over your stuff. I have to go now though." He waved regretfully and speedwalked to one of the side entrances that led behind the stage, with a big fat check under his arm.

There he ran off to the boy wonder and his hot aunt.
The chosen of Tony Stark.

You wiped the hot trickle of water that escaped from your eye and sat yourself back on the table glumly.

Happy was probably about to tell him about Nick Fury's phone call.
You would've told him yourself but you felt that if you did you would probably cry with the thought of being so rejected by everyone. It just wasn't fair that some people got to be the protagonists in their story, while you were just a lowly extra.

You sat anxiously, legs shaking, heart racing. The dessert on your plate had been stabbed through many times by the fork tightly held in your fist. You gulped down your soda violently. The old man sitting across from you just stared, but you nodded at him aggressively and he looked back down at his own plate of food.

It really didn't help your mood that Fury sent you a message asking why the spider kid had just ghosted him. You gritted your teeth, thinking about how you wouldn't waste a chance like that to become something great. It didn't matter what you would or wouldn't do with opportunities though, because you never got one.

Minutes later, Peter finally came back out to the stage. Giddy and more confident. Until the journalists started hitting him with questions. He was doing so well.

"What's it like to take over for Tony Stark?" Asked Sean Winford from Queens Tribune, "Those are big shoes to fill."

You gasped at the audacity. Peter looked like he was about to faint and thanked everyone for coming yet again, before making his dramatic escape from the charity dinner. You waited around a bit to see if Happy would come out again, but he didn't - so you left.

It was dark outside and you checked on your phone for Peter's location. You were pretty miffed that he was blowing off Fury, but he was your friend and you wanted to check on him. A faint ping was followed by a map. Your phone's screen showed a little spider avatar sitting atop the roof of a building nearby.

You looked up and couldn't see him. Just a big mural of Iron Man sparkling with the lights of a passing train.

There was no way you could get up there like him.

You walked back home with a pang in your chest.

:((( </3

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