An Evening on the Block

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 Chapter 1

Ale was crying on her bed when Eve walked in to their dorm. She had to make sure not the step on the sharp bits of smashed cell phone she didn't notice when she took off her shoes. Ale had been pretty upset that past week so Eve had been expecting to find her like this sooner or later.

"Hey Honey what's wrong?" Eve asked gently knowing darn well Ale's dumb-ass boyfriend had probably broken up with her.

"That Fucking Jerk! He was fucking two timing me with some skinny white bitch!" Ale started and thus began a tiresome night of Eve making pouty sad faces and mild glares to no one as she tried to be a good friend and sympathize for her room mate who had a new boyfriend pretty much every two or three weeks. Eve wasn't that type. She was content being single and living through Ale's drama's was more than enough for her.

The next day when Eve came home from work Ale had written her a note saying she was going out and would be back later.

"Didn't take her long to get back on the prowl..." Eve said to herself as she made her some Ramen and did her homework. She even had herself a glass of wine or two before she went to bed in hopes of being in a deep sleep when Ale made it home in the wee hours of the morning.


Waking up in her twin sized bed with her roommate wasn't completely unusual for this situation but usually Eve would wake up first then worm her way out of bed from between the wall and her still drunk roomie. So it was strange to wake up to Ale's tossing and turning as she tried to free herself from Eve's blankets and once successful Eve noticed Ale was actually in PJ's and walking around like she was completely sober. Eve shrugged it off and closed her eyes in an attempt to get a few last minutes of sleep but Ale came back and threw herself in Eve's bed once more after brushing her teeth.

"So yeah like I was saying last night-" Ale started and her minty breath washed over Eve's face. "I'm through with College boys. I swear I'm done. They only want one thing and I'm tired of it. I kinda met someone last night. We met and we talked for a minute but it was completely casual. He was a little dorky so I didn't mind but after he left I don't know I kinda wanted him to be there and it sucks Because! I didn't get his number or even really his name. One of his friends introduced us I think as a gag I swear I didn't even think the poor guy spoke english." Ale rambled for the better half of all the extra 15 minutes of sleep Eve was hoping to get when finally she said something that caught her attention.

"He invited me to this like Underground rap deal across the tracks. Go with me." Ale said looking shyly yet dead seriously at Eve. Eve's eyes went wide with excitement at the words but then she regained her composure. Eve and Ale were extreme opposites in most things but Eve had become something like Ale's dirty little secret. They'd met the year before taking a language course and it was then that Ale had developed her reliance on Eve who was willing to help her cram before any quiz or test. But it was during all this study time together they learned of each others extreme love of Hip Hop. None of Ale's other friends could stand it and most of Eve's friends only listened along to be polite.

"When?" Eve asked with her nose hidden by her sheets.

"Tonight. I know a guy who knows those guys from the party so he'll give us directions." Ale said smiling. She knew this kinda thing was right up Eve's alley. Eve didn't want to get her hopes up too high in case it was totally lame but she thought why not it was something to do and maybe she could steer Ale away from another potential loser. She shrugged and Ale took it as a yes she squealed and kicked her feet then jumped out of bed.

"Great!" She said stretching. "So you get out at like 7 right? I'll be here getting ready!" And she was. When Eve got home that night Ale was running her straightener through her long thick black hair. She was wearing a cropped red tank that showed off her tummy and short short dark denim shorts with one red converse and one red pump.

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