Chapter Six

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"Come on, mom!" Mika called behind her. "We're gonna be late!" 

"I'm coming, sweetheart," Mika's mom reassured her. "We'll get there in time." Mika stopped and glanced back. "Are you sure? Tina's mom said that we would meet at the park in like.. five minutes!" Mika exclaimed. Mika's mom caught up to her. "In fifteen minutes honey," She told her daughter. "We'll be there in time for Tina's party."

Mika jumped up in excitement. She was on her way to her best friend, Tina's, birthday party. Mika was always the first invited to any of Tina's parties, and she felt lucky to have a friend as good as her. 

"Mika slow down, honey," Mika's mom cautioned. Mika wasn't really listening though, nor was she paying any attention to the world around her. She was too excited. 

"Mika, I'm serious." Mika's mom warned. Mika was so distracted by excitement that she hadn't noticed the road in front of her, in which she began crossing without realizing it.

"Mika, look out!" Mika's mom called. Mika's attention suddenly snapped back to her mother, and she realized a car was coming straight for her. Her mom lunged forward, pushing her out of the way.

Mika was shoved to the other side of the road. When Mika got back up again, she saw her mom laying motionless in the road. "M-mommy?" Mika muttered, running forward and dragging her mother's limp body out of the road. 

"MOMMY?" She screamed, aggressively shaking her mom's body. "Mommy, wake up, please...." Mika muttered, tears welling up in her eyes. "MOMMY!"

. . .

Mika gasped and sat up, tears in her eyes. "It was my fault... MY fault that she died..." kept going over and over in her head. She sniffed and got out of bed. Badgerclops had given her the thumbs up to walk without the crutches, and gave her an ankle bracelet instead.

She limped out of her room, wanting to go see if it was clear to go to the balcony again. There was some part of her that wished Mao Mao would be there, and some part of her that wished he wouldn't be there.

Mika peeked through her door, and seeing how nobody was out in the living room, she began limping towards the balcony. She tried to hold in her tears, as she was waiting until she was outside to let them out. Suddenly, Mika just collapsed, her tears flowing like a river down her cheeks. I have to stop... otherwise I'll wake up Mao Mao, Badgerclops, Adorabat, or Tanya! But she felt like she couldn't. She felt like she could never stop.

Why? Because Mika's mom's death was her fault, and her's alone.

Mika heaved herself up onto the couch, and rubbed her eyes, sniffling. She was about to burst into tears again when the light's suddenly flicked on and she almost choked. "Mika?" It was Mao Mao. "Are you okay?" Mika turned, and trying to keep her voice from trembling, she said: "I-I'm fine... I-I'm not crying."

For a moment, Mika thought that Mao Mao had left, until she felt strong arms wrap around her body. 

At first, Mika was quite surprised. Nobody had ever hugged her... at least... not since her mom's death. Even Tina had drifted away after her mom was hit by that car. 

Mika took a deep breath. Her body was trembling from trying to hold back the tears, and she realized she couldn't stop them. The tears came. And they came hard. So hard in fact, it was almost a helpless sob. 

Mika was never really one to show her emotions around people. Her mom was the only one she had ever trusted enough to cry on. But now... maybe... just maybe... she could trust him..

Mika collapsed onto Mao Mao's shoulder before she could stop herself. Mao Mao didn't pull away, as she expected him to. He stayed. He stayed there until her sobs became small cries.

When Mika had gathered up enough strength, she sat up. "S-sorry about that," Mika stuttered, her voice still wobbly. Mao Mao put his hand on her shoulder and turned her towards him. "You know, it's not your fault. Whatever... whatever you think is your fault, don't think it anymore. Cause it's not, alright?" He told her, sternly but sympathetically.

Mao Mao was looking at her right in the eyes, and Mika stared right back into his. "But-"

Mao Mao interrupted Mika by putting a finger to her mouth. "Don't speak," He whispered. Leaning forward, he kissed her.

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