Chapter Ten

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"Dudes, where were you?" Badgerclops asked, poking his head out of the kitchen as soon as Mao Mao and Mika walked back into HQ. "We were just... talking." Mao Mao said reluctantly, letting go of Mika's hand. Badgerclops scanned them carefully before shrugging. "Oh, okay." He said. "Now I'm going to go play video games." 

Adorabat squealed with excitement, and was out of the kitchen in an instant, Tanya right behind her. "Can I play with you Badgerclops?" Adorabat asked hopefully, flapping her wings. Badgerclops nodded. "Sure, here," He said, handing her a remote controller. Adorabat grabbed the remote controller and plopped herself down on the couch next to Badgerclops, who was preparing the video game.

When Mika turned, she noticed Tanya looking at them, an eyebrow raised. Oh yeah. I forgot that she and Adorabat know about me and Mao Mao's kiss yesterday. Mika thought nervously. I still haven't told Mao Mao... would he want to know that I told them? Or would he get angry at me and maybe lose the feelings... if any, he has towards me?

"Mika, can we talk for a second?" Tanya asked. "Privately." She added with a glance at Mao Mao. Mao Mao shrugged so Mika nodded and followed Tanya into her guest room. Her room was similar to Mika's bed in the corner, a bookshelf to the right, and a window beside the bed, casting the sun's bright light into the room. "So. You're not really a 'traveler' are you?" Tanya asked, sitting on her bed.

Mika eyes went wide. "What-? How did you?-" She asked, sweating nervously and putting a hand to her forehead. "I'm good at social cues. Like just then, you looked pretty nervous when you noticed me looking at both of you. So.. what actually happened?"

Mika sighed and sat next to Tanya on her bed. "Well... I guess it kind of began when my mother died," Mika began. "A car hit her and she didn't make it and all that... then I guess my dad and my brother had more reason to hate me, as they disliked me already. They told me it was my fault my mother died, verbally abused me... calling me horrible names and stuff like that. I would cry myself to sleep almost every night..." Mika trailed off and looked down at the ground.

"And I guess it is my fault my mother died... even though Mao Mao told me it's not. Of course, he didn't know what I thought was my fault." Mika continued. "So eventually I screamed at them, telling them I was leaving and that I would never come back. They tried guilt-tripping me like they always do, but this time it didn't work. I only screamed at them more, grabbed my silver katana and dashed out the door.

"They may even be out looking for me right now..." Mika said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Suddenly she remembered the dark shape she saw earlier outside in the bush. Could it be... my dad or my brother? She asked herself, cold dread flowing into her heart. No... it couldn't be! They couldn't have found me!

Mika gulped and her heart skipped a beat. Tanya wrapped her arms around Mika, trying to comfort her, but it didn't do much. The thought of her father and brother watching her right now... seemed more real than it could ever be.

. . .

Mika couldn't sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about the shadowy figure she'd seen. She was shivering head to hind paw, her eyes refusing to close and fall asleep. She sat up with a huff. She hopped out of bed, grabbed her silver katana, and creaked open the door. Mika knew she had to stay aware of her surroundings, as something could pop out of anywhere and attack her.

She made her way through the living room, carefully dodging remote controllers and snacks lying around on the floor. When Mika reached the front door, she silently opened it and hopped out, forgetting to shut the door behind her.

Mika held her breath as she crept softly over to the bush where she had last seen the dark figure.

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