Chapter Seven

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Mika was taken by surprise. Never in a million years had she thought someone, as brave and fearless as Mao Mao was (or seemed at least), would EVER kiss her. Part of her wanted to pull away and ask him what he was thinking, but the part that loved him with all her heart told her her to stay and kiss him back. Of course, the part that loved him won.

Mika gave into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Mao Mao's neck. It seemed that the moment their mouths touched, the whole world seemed to slip away, leaving just her and Mao Mao left. Mao Mao eventually pulled laway slowly, seeming to just realize what he'd done and began to blush profusely.

"S-sorry, I-I don't know what came over-" Suddenly the door to Mao Mao's room creaked open, interrupting him mid-sentence. Badgerclops walked out with Adorabat sitting on his shoulder and Tanya right behind him. "Dudes, you okay? I woke up and your bed was empty. Everything alright in here?" Badgerclops asked. Adorabat didn't seem that interested in finding out if everything was okay, she looked more interested at why both Mao Mao and Mika's faces were almost as red as tomatoes.

"Y-yeah, everything's fine." Mao Mao said, rubbing his neck nervously. "We were just... talking." He cast a glance at Mika as he said the last part. Badgerclops seemed to look doubtful for a second before shrugging. "Whatever you say man." He told him. Mao Mao got up, and brushed some dust off of his knee pads. "I'm going back to bed. Good night." He said, giving a quick nod to everyone in the room before sliding past Badgerclops and Tanya and into his room.

Badgerclops yawned. "Mao's right. Sleep does sound good. Good night ya'll," He said, lifting Adorabat off his shoulder and setting her down on the coffee table. And with that, he disappeared into the room himself, Mao Mao, and Adorabat shared, leaving only Mika, Adorabat, and Tanya left inside the living room.

"Soooooo," Tanya pressed. "What happened between you and Mao Mao?" Mika blushed and cleared her throat. I don't know if I should tell them.... would Mao Mao want me to? Or would he rather I keep it a secret from her, Adorabat, and Badgerclops. At least until we know what to do about these... feelings. "Absolutely nothing, Tanya." Mika told her decidedly.

Adorabat and Tanya exchanged disbelieving glances. "Come on, don't lie. We all know you and Mao Mao have something... special." Tanya urged, walking over and sitting down on the couch next to Mika while Adorabat sat down on the other side. Mika sighed. "I don't know if Mao Mao would want me to tell you..." Mika trailed off.

Adorabat shot up into the air. "I'll go ask him!" She squeaked, beginning to fly towards their room. "Wait! Adorabat, don't!" Mika called before she had reached the entrance. Adorabat turned, a puzzled look on her face. "Fine, I'll tell you. But, you guys have to promise not to say anything about it to Badgerclops. Or Mao Mao, for that matter." Mika told her.

Adorabat let out a squeal of delight and plopped herself back down next to Mika while Tanya watched, eyes sparking with interest. Mika took a deep breath. "We maybe... sort of.. kinda... kissed?" She said hesitantly. "Ooooo," Adorabat and Tanya cooed at the same time. "I smell LOOOOOVE," Adorabat added. Mika blushed a little and rubbed her neck anxiously. "I expected as much. I mean, it's been a while since I've seen that sparkle in Mao Mao's eyes." Adorabat continued.

"What do you mean?" Mika asked, turning to her. "Come on, I see the way he looks at you. His eyes practically light up, and he's so much happier. You make him happier." Tanya told her, nudging Mika's shoulder with her elbow a little.

"You really think so?" Mika asked doubtfully. "Yup!" Ya ya exclaimed, while Adorabat just nodded. "No doubt, no doubt."

Mika let out a sigh. "I'm going back to bed. See you guys in the morning," She said. Mika got up and limped towards her room. "Nighty night night!" Adorabat squeaked, flying over and giving Mika a big hug with her wings. "May your dreams be sweet and full of loooove!"

And with that, Adorabat flew back into the room the trio shared, Tanya trailing right behind her. "'Night," Tanya said before disappearing into her own guest room. Mika stared after them. Do they really believe that Mao Mao loves me too? Maybe that kiss meant nothing, and it was just... you know... to make me feel better. Maybe he doesn't love me in that way. Mika thought, turning around and limping over to her room.

I want Mao Mao to be happy... even if that means ignoring these feelings towards him. Mika sighed and carefully hopped into bed. When she wrapped the covers around her, she felt more outcasted and more alone than she had ever felt at her childhood home.

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