Chapter Nine

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"Sure," Mika replied, smiling. Tanya, Adorabat, and Badgerclops didn't seem to notice Mao Mao and Mika slip out of the kitchen and head out to the balcony. For a little while Mao Mao and Mika watched the sun rise over the horizon, soft orange and red colors surrounding the round orange-flaming sun.

Mika took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. "So... are we gonna talk about... yesterday?" She asked hesitantly, leaning on the hand-bar, not really knowing whether Mao Mao was feeling the same as she was. She realized that she had felt something, like some hole in her heart had been filled again the moment Mao Mao's mouth touched her's.

But Mao Mao didn't seem to be listening. He was staring straight forward, as if deep in his own thoughts. Mika followed Mao Mao's eyes but she couldn't tell what he was looking at. "Joy," Mao Mao said suddenly. Mika turned to look at him and realized that he was now looking at her. "What?" She asked, puzzled.

"Joy. That's what I'm feeling right now. With you." Mao Mao told her, putting a gloved hand on Mika's paw. Mika looked into his eyes and let out the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. "I don't know what this feeling is. The feeling I feel whenever I'm around you. Joy is part of it, but I feel like there's more to it." Mao Mao continued, looking forward again.

"Yeah. I feel it too," Mika told him, following his gaze again. This time she could he was looking at the Pure Heart Spire. The sun was right above it, making the light below looking more pink than yellowish-orange. The sun's glare shown off of the Pure Heart Spire, almost blinding Mika's eyes.

Mika squinted, trying to keep out some of the pinkish yellow light. She felt this longing in her heart, to lean into Mao Mao, and feel is warm body against her fur. Her black tail seemed to search around, as if looking for another tail to wrap around before realizing that Mao Mao didn't have one anymore and it lay still again.

Mika turned and put her other paw on top of Mao Mao's hand that was on top of her left paw. "I've never experienced this type of feeling before. I mean, with my mom, I knew I loved her, but it never felt like this. It never felt like the way I feel.... around you." Mika admitted, looking down a little. "Maybe... we could figure it out... together?" She added, looking up again.

Mao Mao turned towards her and looked into her baby blue eyes, his red cape flowing in the morning breeze. "We could do that," he said. "And this," He closed his eyes leaned forward and kissed her again. Mika was still relatively surprised at the fact that someone would even think about kissing her, but either way, she kissed him back. Suddenly, Mika heard a rustle in the bushes beside them and she pulled away, curiosity sparking in her gaze.

"Did you hear that?" She asked Mao Mao. Mao Mao straightened. "Hear what?" He asked with a puzzled expression. "I thought I heard noises coming from those bushes over there," she said, pointing to the bushes closest to them. Suddenly a black shape poked it's head out of the bushes and quickly ducked back in when it saw them looking in it's direction. "There!" She said, getting up and quickly running over to the bush where she saw the shape.

"Wait for me!" Mao Mao called, running after her. Mika approached the bush with caution. She didn't know what was in there. It could be a monster, for all she knew. She quickly parted the bush in half the moment she had a chance.

She peeked inside. Nothing. Nothing was there. It was just a normal bush. Nothing special. She got up straight again just as Mao Mao caught up with her. "What was it?" He asked, a little out of breath. "Nothing. I mean, nothing was there. Maybe I'm just seeing things." Mika said,  rubbing her forehead.

"Come on, let's go back to HQ. I'm sure Badgerclops, Adorabat, and Tanya are wondering where we are by now." Mao Mao said, taking Mika by the paw and leading her away from the bush. Mika glanced back and she could've sworn she saw piercing yellow eyes staring back at her through the shadows behind the bush. But when she blinked, the eyes were gone.

Mika frowned. Someone's here. She realized, turning to follow Mao Mao. And I'm going to find out who.

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart - Love & LiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz