Chapter Sixteen

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Mika held her breath. She didn't know what kind of reaction she was expecting, but she definitely wasn't expecting the reaction that she got.

Badgerclops opened the door and at first he didn't seem to recognize her. "What do you wa-" he began before his eyes fell on her. He gasped and picked her up and gave her a big hug. "You're back!" He cried happily.

Adorabat flew outside. "WHO'S BACK?!" She demanded, her big yellow eyes wide. She let out a squeal of excitement and hugged Mika as well. "YOU'RE BACK!!!" She squealed, cheerfully flapping her wings.

"I-I was only gone for a few days-" Mika began before Badgerclops squeezed harder. "I know, but it felt like FOREVER." He said, tears in his eyes. Adorabat nodded, sniffling.

Adorabat suddenly gasped. "Mao Mao's gonna be SO happy to see you!" She squeaked, flapping her wings. "I'm gonna go tell him and then he's gonna HUG YOU and then you're gonna KISS and then-"

"Wait, Adorabat," Mika said as Badgerclops put her down. "I'd like to be the one to go up to Mao Mao." Adorabat nodded. "Ooohhh of course of course!! He's on the balcony. GO!" She squeaked, pushing Mika inside and she nearly lost her balance.

Mika straightened. It's time. She walked towards the balcony door. As she approached, she knew she had to prepare herself. He might be mad, he might be sad, he might be both. She had to be prepared for any reaction.

Mika silently opened the door. Mao Mao was sitting on the hand rail, his cape flowing in the breeze, facing away from her.

He was looking up the sky, the stars softly twinkling. "Beautiful night tonight, isn't it?" She told him, coming over and sitting next to him. Mao Mao seemed to be shocked into silence and his ears seemed to droop as he looked away.

"Look, I know you're mad at me, and I know I've been a horrible friend, and I know I probably don't deserve your friendship or... being more than friends with you... and I know you probably don't love me anym-"

Mao Mao stopped her by turning around and putting his gloved hands on her paws. His eyes were closed, but Mika could see tears in them. "No... no." He said. "I admit I was upset, but I never stopped loving you."

Mao Mao opened his emerald-green eyes and looked into Mika's for one long moment. A tear fell down from one of his eyes and he pulled Mika closer to him and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're back..." He said softly, resting his forehead on her's.

Mika breathed in Mao Mao's scent and closed her eyes. Mao Mao put Mika's paws in his own and kissed her. Mika didn't let herself be surprised by this. All she did was give into the kiss. The moonlight seemed to shine on them like a spotlight.

"YES! YESYESYESYESYES!" Adorabat suddenly called cheerfully from the doorway. Mika hadn't even noticed that she and Badgerclops had been watching them the whole time.

Mao Mao pulled away, embarrassed. "Adorabat! You ruined the moment!" Badgerclops complained. "What's happening out there? I am trying to SLEEP." Tanya shouted from inside. Mika smothered a giggle. "C'mere you," she said, pulled Mao Mao closer to her and kissing him again.

You can see the entire HQ, as well as the distant shouting of Badgerclops, Adorabat, and Tanya arguing before the light blinked out.

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