Spectre (Fluff/Angst/Slight Smut)

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Person A is some kinda spectre/ghostly figure that hangs around/is attached to Person B. A hologram of sorts? A spirit or ghost? A demon or something that B summoned/is bonded to? Whatever the case, only B can see them.

-A pulls faces/does things to make B laugh.
-A tries to distract B by touching them intimately/teasing them, and/or showing off their body, laying in suggestive positions, and saying possibly dirty stuff.
-B can monitor when A is visible, so they can choose to momentarily "banish" or "turn off" A entirely on their own, with or without A's input or consent.
-A is visible to B/activated, but B completely ignores them. Did they fight? Or is something else happening?
-Do B's friends/family know about them? Is A a secret? Then, B reacting to A but trying to hide it. I.e.: Annoyed, Aroused, Laughing because of something A said or did.
-Does B have to talk aloud to communicate with A? Or can they think at them? If not, B secretly writing notes to A when they can't speak aloud at the moment. Trying to communicate purely through slight motions/looks.
-A possibly being unsure if they're real/matter because they arent anything but a figure B sees and interacts with.
-A is sad/angry and chooses to dissapear for a bit.
-Curious A watching and asking about all the things and people in B's life.

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