Ship Wars (Fluff) +

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Person A, B, and C are all friends. A and B are C's only friends, whereas A has a few other ones and C is close with their family. A's friends, not including C and B, ship A and B together and think they'd be great as a couple. C's family, however, thinks C and B would be great together. Each side teases their respective friend of the group about it. One day, however, A and C realize their own feelings for each and eventually confess. This surprises their groups, who though they'd get with B, but they support them anyway. The trio still hangs out though.

Bonus OT3 : A and C talk one night and realize that they'd both had crushes on B at some point. This leads to more discussion about them until they both realize that they still have feelings for B-even though they still like each other. After the initial shock and confusion, the two decide to ask B for their thoughts on a polyamorous relationship between the 3 of them. B says yes.

Bonus 2: A and C stay together, and much later, B comes out as Aromantic and/or Asexual.

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