Chapter 6: Squishy's meeting within a dream

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Zygarde/Squishy's pov

I sighed gently at Bonnies sleeping face and carefully wiggles out of her hold and hopped towards a stone near a lake as the moon shines down on it. Curling up I closed my eyes and  concentrated on trying to form a connection to the legends dream realm.

Before I knew it everything went black and I was surrounded by a colorful and Galaxy themed area.

Arceus: greetings Zygarde

I turned and bowed my head at the god Pokemon before turning into my true form and stretched with a sigh of relief before looking at him.

Me: greetings my lord

Arceus: I assume since your here that you escaped but We're is Arcia and the other core?

Me: "sighs sadly" I'm afraid they didn't make it out they gave me enough time to escape so I could contact you and the others

Suddenly I sensed more Pokemon coming and turned seeing Palkia, Dialga And Giratina land near me.

Dialga: Zygarde it's good to see your ok

Giratina: as much as I am happy to see you We're is Arcia and the other core

Me: Arcia and my counter part gave me enough time to escape so I could inform you all of there capture

Palkia: please do tell us what happened as Xerneas is still recovering

I sighed and looked away just seeing the image of y/n's tortured face brings me to nightmares and I do not know how the others will react especially Arceus. Taking a deep breath I look at them and spoke.

Me:  it was just a normal day in the forest before all went up in flames and I heard Xerneas scream and ran there as fast as I could but....

Arceus: go on

Me: "takes a deep breath" before I could get to her I was trapped in a net and electrocuted causing me to turn into my core form....Arcia tried to free me before she too was captured and then I blacked out then.....

Arceus: "concerned" and what Zygarde?

Me: I woke up seeing her restrained as well as my counter part the humans they did maddening experiments on us Arcia tried to protect us before she too was experimented on.

Me: she managed to create enough chaos for me to escape and well here I am

Palkia: "growls" damm humans

Dialga: "growls along side Palkia" Arcia is just a child!

I looked at Arceus as he remained silent and his form still but you could see the barely controlled rage inside his eyes shaking his head he cleared his and spoke.

Arceus: we must report back to the others Giratina I need to see if you can find her through your dimension

Giratina: right away sir "leaves"

Arceus: and Zygarde

Me: yes?

"Stay with your chosen one I fear she and the others are in grave danger"........

Edited on Saturday 3rd August 2024

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