Chapter 4: Torture and new threat revealed?!

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No-ones PoV

Arcia screamed as red lighting shocked her very core as Zygarde let out a curled scream with her as the man behind the controls smirked and soon stopped the machine as both her and Zygarde panted for breath.

She glared into the mans soul and he shivered standing back before a chuckle was heard throughout the room and she growled.

???: having fun are we doctor?

Doctor: "grins" indeed sir the subject are quite the mystery especially the girl

She growled lowly only to wince as the collar around her neck shocked her and Zygarde gurgled in concern she shook her head and smiled weakly at him.

???: any progress?

Doctor: yes sir Zygarde seems to be putting up quite the fight to keep y/n safe from the laser

???: "chuckles" I'm not surprised after all she is the child of legends

Arcia and Zygarde both froze and started to struggle as the laser was pointed at her as Zygarde growled lowly at the humans only to be cut of and scream in pain as the laser hit him.

Arcia struggled even more against the restrains and roared out to him dangerous as the laser increased in power.


???: I will if you tell me were the other core is?!

She snarled baring her fangs at him as a silent never and he smirked and turned to walk away before he stopped and grinned evilly.

???: very well.....Doctor resume tests

Arcia: you'll never get away with this! "She roared out while struggling" the other legendary's will end you!

???: "chuckles" I look forward to it Arcia

She growled again and looked straight into the mans soul and snarled in a low and dangerous tone.

"You'll pay for this Lysander!"........

The Fate of Kalos (Completed) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя