Chapter 7: Kalos league and Arcia out of control?!

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Ash's Pov

I sighed feeling a little bit disappointed in losing the league but hey I had a lot of fun battling everyone and put on a smiling while letting Pikachu.

Me: hehe another loss buddy but we'll beat them one day!

Pikachu: Pika pika chu!

Chuckling I went to walk away until the ground shook violently I gasped and fell to my knees as the shaking grew more and more powerful I could hear the cries of Pokemon and trainers.

???: ASH!

I gasped and clutches my head as the world around me went dark before I was in a dark room and heard screams of pain and saw her. Arcia strapped down on a table as a red beam hit her and she screamed in agony as I saw Lysander grinned evilly down at her as her body went limp.

Lysander: that's it Arcia! Lose control become the destroyer you were born to be!

I tried to reach for her until she shot up and a red aura surrounded her she roared snapping off her restraints and growled as her body started to transform. I reached for her before the world went black.


I gasped awake seeing Celmont dragging me out of the collapsing building I groaned clutching my head as I heard a roar and Bonnie shout.


I turned and saw Zygarde running towards two other sin 50% forms as a red beam shot at him and Bonnie clutches her head screaming.

Me: s she c can feel his pain!

Soon Zygarde roared and disappeared with the other and I reached for the one with a gold marking.


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