Chapter 9:War upon Kalos and transformation!

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No-ones pov

Arcia stood there looking up at Lysander with rage and she growled lowly while clutching Athena closely as she whimpered in pain. Ash's body laid still in the ground and she could feel tears prick at her eyes.

Gently placing her next to Pikachu she stood back up and walked towards him before she broke out into a full on sprint body glowing.


Her body glowed and grow and in her human forms place was a 100% Zygarde her white eyes narrowed and she roared joining in with the other Zygarde.

A huge blast of energy slammed into her and her tumbling to the ground groaning in pain not knowing that Ash's finger twitched.

With Ash

I groaned while holding my head as the pain slowly died down looking up I gasped seeing Arcues, Dialga, Palkia And Girantina staring down as me.

Arceus: Arcia needs you young Ash

Dialga: return to her

Palkia: stronger then before

Girantina: save Kalos and the people and Pokemon within

All four of them: BE REBORN!

Ash gasped awake and shakily stood up looking around he saw Arcia pushing back an attack along side Zygarde and growled lowly as she winced in pain.

His body glowed as he grew bigger and bigger as a dealing roar echoed acrosss Kalos. As the light died down there stood in Ash's place was a another Zygarde it roared and charged the final attack to defeat Lysander.

She landed on the ground and lifted her clawed hand up and placed it on his cheek.


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