Chapter 10: Peace at last

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Arcia's pov

I smiled breathing in the fresh clean air as the wind blew gently threw my white hair and giggled seeing Pikachu and Athena chase each other around the field.

Seeing my other Pokemon doing there own things with smiles filled me with joy turning my head when I hear the sound of footsteps and saw Ash smile as he sat down beside me and I leaned into him purring when he wrapped an arm around me.

I nuzzled him as my form glowed and I turned into a NineTales as he did the same and curled around me smiling mentally I looked out at the open field as Pokemon of all types played together in peace with one and another.

Looking up at the sky I smiled seeing the bright burning sun shine down on everyone as Arceus watched on all turning to Ash I licked his muzzle as he blushed.

The war of Kalos was over peace has finally returned.......

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