Chapter 1: Armour.

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A Week Later...

"Whatchu' writing?" Jung Jaehyun peeked his head into Taeyong's room, which they had decided was part of the great hall. He tapped his pen on his notebook, humming in response while he stuck his tongue out in focus.

"I honestly don't know. I'm trying to...ugh nevermind." He groaned in frustration, the soft tapping of Jaehyun's shoes as he walked closer and eventually sat next to him.

"You can tell me."

"I know it's'll think I'm insane."

Jaehyun laughed, "That's absurd. I've seen insane before, and it's not you."

"Fine. I'm just...trying to figure out floor plans, locations where we have easy access to food and clean water, etcetera, etcetera."

"And why is that?" He leaned closer, peeking over Taeyong's shoulder.

"Remember how my Mom always talked about starting a food drive? Her biggest dream was opening an orphanage. I...uhm...want to follow her legacy? I don't know if that makes sense and to be honest, I'm just rambling and it's not a good idea and-"

"Hey," Jaehyun cut him off, "I think that's a great idea you have. I don't know how we'll get the funds for it but, if you want to do this, I'm 100% on board."

"It's still in the drafts. I don't have a clue as to how we're going to execute this. Jeno and Kun might be on board, but I don't know about that Johnny guy."

"We could always get the band back together, y'know?" Jaehyun suggested, nudging Taeyong's arm. "Ehhh? How 'bout it?"

"We don't know who in the band is still alive. They could all be dead for all I know."

"I'm pretty sure Jungwoo wouldn't let go that easily. Same with Donghyuck and Ten, they're too cocky to let themselves die."

"You need to stop thinking so optimistically and start thinking realistically. Donghyuck has probably gone completely feral because he gets to burn whatever the fuck he wants. Mark was the only one keeping him in line and you fully know they hate each other to the core. There's no possible way Doyoung is alive because he's a little bitch and I wouldn't be surprised if YangYang offed himself because he's too squeamish to handle post-nuclear war."

"You sound like a mom," Jaehyun laughed, that iconic smile practically lighting up the world, "The more people we have, the more resources we get, babe."

"But, it's more people to feed." He sighed, digging his nails into his arm out of stress, "The more people we have the more resources we need."

"Stop digging your nails into your skin," Jaehyun muttered, pulling Taeyong's hand away from his arm. "You have a good point there, but I feel as if we work hard enough, we'll be good to go. The beginning will be rough, and it might be messy at first, but we'll figure it out eventually. We're at the bottom of the well, there's nowhere to go but up. And it may be hard at first, and we may lose some along the way, but I feel like everyone wants to change the world in some way or another."

"...Mom would've wanted this, right?"

"I think she would be so proud of the person you've become."

"You think so?"

"Mhmm." Jaehyun hummed, "Your Dad, too."

"Well, I don't know if Dad is alive or dead. He handed me a gun and told me to run. I...I haven't seen him since then." Taeyong waved around the gun that sat next to him, still unused from the day he got it. He secretly wished his dad died that day, he didn't want him to suffer in this damned world. His dad was too fragile for something like this. "And I-"

"Is your phone ringing?" Jaehyun interrupted him, bug-eyed. 

"I lost my phone months ago, what are you talking about?"

"I swear I just heard someone's phone ringing." He pointed behind his right ear, a confused expression glued on his face. "Maybe I was just imagining it."

"Maybe. I doubt there's any charged cell phone this day in age." Leaning his head against Jaehyun's shoulder, Taeyong tapped his pen on his notebook until he got sleepy, closing his eyes and quickly passing out from exhaustion.

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