Chapter 3: Memory.

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"The world is ticking like a time bomb.
It won't be too long until we're all dead.
So, let's have some fun."

"We're home."

Johnny closed the door behind him, trying his best not to wake Ten up. The poor had boy fallen asleep about 15 minutes ago and he was now being given a piggyback ride. His face was smushed into Johnny's shoulder as he held on for dear life.

"Hey, wake up. We're home." He whispered to Ten, comfort laced neatly in his tone, not wanting to spook the tiny one. Johnny wasn't the brightest, but he was kind. That's all that mattered. With a groan, Ten opened his eyes and yawned.

"GrrMrrrngngghhhh" In an adorably failed attempt to say 'good morning', Ten had completely ruined his image. Jumping down, he looked around with his sleepy eyes, stretching.

"Aweee" Johnny cooed, pinching Ten's cheek.

"Where's my Taeyongie~" He clung to Johnny's arm again.

"I dunno, it's pretty late. Sleeping, probably?"

"Take me to him, slut."

"Says you."

"Hey, I have morals. Now, take me to my Prince or beg for mercy, Knight!" He clenched his fist, shaking it at God.

"Fine, fine." Easily picking up Ten, Johnny slung him over his shoulder and walked to Taeyong's room oh-so quietly while Ten complained loudly the entire way.

Opening the door, he peacefully put Ten down. In the room; a small, makeshift bed sat in the center where Taeyong was fast asleep. And, as Johnny was about to leave, he was grabbed.

"Wait," Ten whispered, a hint of desperateness in his voice as he looked down. "Stay? Please?"

"Of course."

It was always you. I've always admired you from afar, but I was so afraid. You're the only one who's caused me to feel nervous about meeting someone. I guess I wanted to impress you? Is that it? Now that I know you, I don't know what to do. I don't want you to leave.

You're one of the few people in this world who give me butterflies.

And I feel myself falling, falling deeper in love with you.

As I sit here on your lap while you sit against the exhibit of whatever used to be under the glass casing, I think about how perfect you are. You're so dumb, yet so perfect. 

I l-

"Ten? You awake, honey?"

Opening his eyes, he stared up at Johnny, confused. He only groaned, smushing his head back into Johnny's chest and falling back to sleep. He heard the two giggle, 'a sort of mockery,' he thinks, 'they're mocking me for wanting to sleep.'

"Dun laugh at me...~" Ten whimpered into the older man's chest, his grip getting tighter.

"Awweee~" He heard Taeyong say, who then hugged him from behind. Ten leaned into his touch, mumbling something incoherent. 

A pounding headache blurred out everything. Raging alcoholism and bad endings were a comical duo, that's always been a fact. The new Bonnie&Clyde. Cliche, and boring. Yet dangerous, a disaster waiting to happen. Liquor was hard to find these days unless you knew the right people and had the right attitude. He was paid in respect, drugs, and alcohol. Modern prostitutes were highly respected and seen as celebrities. It was dangerous, yet so rewarding.

The world had broken the childproof lock that was made for future generations. Gender didn't matter, sexuality didn't matter, religion didn't matter. It was truly a free man's land.

But, things were going to change.

Things were going to change very, very quickly.

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