Chapter 4: Antihero.

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"The shadows of your heart cover your mistakes in a dark blanket, an all-knowing force screaming at you to let it go."

A gambler with the finest of tricks right up his sleeve, a lie set in a deck of faux cards. A man that was completely consumed by greed. He would be a hard one to get a hold of. Maybe with enough bribery, he would snap.

"Dong Sicheng-"

"Winwin. Call me Winwin."

Johnny scowled at the interruption, peering around the dark alleyway they were in. Beside the sitting gambler stood Yuta Nakamoto, inseparable from Sicheng, smoking a cigarette. He appeared to be unamused, but that may have just been his resting bitch face. Johnny faced the two.

"I'm here to pick you up."

"We know," Yuta muttered under his breath, puffing out a cloud of ashy smoke as he coughed, "Word spreads fast."

"Stop lying, Yuta. You're scaring him." Winwin stood up, "Who sent you?"


"Oh, that bastard. What makes you think I want to be around those kids anymore?" Yuta glared.

"We have working bathrooms?" Smiling awkwardly, Johnny's scary demeanour completely shattered underneath the duo's stare.

"What else do you have?" The gambler approached Johnny, leaning to whisper into his ear with a dark, poison-laced grin. "More importantly, how much are you getting paid to retrieve me?"

"Um...I'm getting paid nothing."

WinWin threw his head back in an uncanny roar, not believing a word Johnny was saying. Throwing Yuta a glance, the smoker understood and threw his cigarette onto the ground, replacing the cigarette with a loaded gun, which was then pressed against Johnny's forehead.

"Don't make me repeat myself, I will not hesitate to share your dirty little secret with the rest of the world."

Yuta's breathing became irregular, tightening his grip on the gun. Sicheng gave his usual unamused glare as the atmosphere became tense.

"Oh, you figured it out. Good for you..." Johnny's voice became dark and grumbly, a grim smile peeking up onto his face. Bloody, nail-like teeth clinking and grinding against one another. "Good for you. Put the gun down, there's no need to get violent. I have a proposal."

"And what would that proposal be?" WinWin took the gun out of Yuta's hand, unloading it and throwing it aside.

"I will pay you 50% of my gained revenue. How about that?"

"What's the catch?"

"You work for me."


Yuta and WinWin looked at one another, a silent communication happening between each other.

"...Okay, you have a deal."

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