Chapter 1: Arm.

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"You're a fucking prick. Why'd you have to leave us for the spawn of Satan and his Devil friends?"

A place with no memories. A life with no hope. Darkness, betrayal, a place where evil spawns.

Gunshots rang out between buildings, silenced screams of children hiding from a gunman.

A father hushed his two daughters, acting strong even though he was terrified.

Footsteps grew closer, the cladding metal boots of an armoured man nearing the closet they were hiding in.

"I love you two, never forget that..." He whispered, tears flowing down his face as he held his daughters closer.

The door quietly creaked open, and a new sound filled the room.

"We got in a gunfight outside. Sorry if we scared you, old friend. We're here to pick you up. Saving the world shit. I dunno, I didn't make it to the briefing of whatever rebellion we're forming."

Taeil let out a deep sigh, shakily looking up at a familiar face.

"You scared the shit out of me."

"No shit."

Holding out a hand, Ten smiled, hoisting up the older onto his feet before looking at the two children and waving.

"O-Oh. Um, this is Heejin and V1V1. They're my daughters. Don't worry, girls, they're not bad guys, trust me. Papa used to be friends with this old man right here."

"I'm not an old man. And this old man beside me is Johnny."

Huddling closer with her older sister, Heejin gave Ten a nasty look.

"ViVi, could you scan him?"

Vivi nodded, standing up and making eye contact with Ten.

Booting Up...Analyzing Target...Confirmed. Transferring Data To '66_SYSTEM'...Data Has Been Downloaded Onto '66_SYSTEM'.

"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul. 22 years of age."

Preparing VOICEBOX.file...Preparing FREE_SPEECH.file...Downloading VOICEBOX.file...Downloading FREE_SPEECH.file...Downloads Successful.

"He's fine. It's that one I'm worried about."

Pointing at the armoured man behind Ten, Vivi shimmied her way over to him, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him down to her eye level.


"Error?" Taeil hurried over to his daughter, wiping away his tears, concerned that something had malfunctioned. Heejin only sighed, crossing her arms.

"Care to explain, sis?"

"This one isn't human."

"What does that even mean? It's probably because he has that stupid armour on." Heejin scoffed, marching over to her sister and looking the man dead in the head plate.

"Why am I being interrogated by children...?"

"The Moon family will not tolerate your bullshit."

"Language! Kids, you can trust these people. They're good people." Joining his daughters, Taeil embraced them in a hug.

"There are no good people in this world, dad. None. Not even your old friends. I'm only 9, but I've seen more shit in this world than a World War Two soldier on the front lines has seen." She began to cry, pushing her dad away and pulling ViVi away from him as well. "I'm not going to let my daddy be manipulated into thinking he's doing good when he's really betraying the world. They're going to take you away from me, I just know it!"

"Hon, what-"

"THIS IS WHY I'VE ALWAYS LOVED MOM MORE THAN I LOVED YOU! If they're going to take you away from us, why not make it our fault? Come on, ViVi, let's go." Grabbing her sister's wrist, Heejin picked up a revolver from the corner of the room and stormed out, leaving all of the adults completely frozen.

V1V1 glared at her creator before going along with her sister, a hint of self-awareness striking fear into the scientist's heart. But, like a bullet in the throat, he stood unmoving.

Suddenly stopping, the young girl turned around towards them.

"What are you called?"

"Oh..." Johnny flinched, coming up with a name on the spot. "Rose...Rose and Sun."

"Okay, Rose&Sun. I will curse your name for as long as I live. May God never forgive you for making my father think such horrid things."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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