Chapter 7

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When he woke, Alex could hear voices mumbling close by. He grunted as he grabbed onto his head as a searing pain shot through it. He shakily made his way to his feet and focused on the Elders. "Surely you felt it Elder Tabitha." Said Elder Elswain. "His magic is strong. I've only ever seen magic of this kind in one other." She continued. "Be that as it may, if the boy possessed the magic you and Auria claims him to have, do you think he would still be here asking for our help?" Elder Tabitha argued. "Is it not clear that he is not even aware of the magic he possesses? He is merely a child." Elder Elswain argued once more. "As was he, and do you remember what happened when we helped him?" Elder Tabitha responded.

"Enough. I can not possibly think with the two of you constantly bickering." Elder Elbrim interjected. "Elder Tabitha, Elder Elswain is not wrong in her claim of the boy's power. Elder Elswain, right as you may be, we can not dismiss Elder Tabitha's concerns nor can we dismiss the aftermath of the previous time we helped an outsider. However, a vampire menace is not something that can be easily ignored, and since our dear Auria chose to align herself with this outsider, I believe his intentions to be noble." He continued.

"Elder Elbrim, I beseech you, please consider this carefully." Elder Tabitha said. "Believe me Elder Tabitha, this is not a decision I make lightly. I have considered both your and Elder Elswain's arguments and I am confident in my decision." He said with finality before turning back to Alex. "Alexander Black, the Tribal Elders will assist you in your quest, but in return, should we ever call for your aid, you will answer and do as we ask of you. These are the terms, do you accept?"

Alex stood proudly before answering. "I accept." Elder Elbrim reached out his right hand. Realising what was expected of him, Alex extended his hand and shook hands with the Elder. "Go to your Academy then. We will gather what we need and meet you there." He dismissed the duo. They thanked the Elders for their time and turnded to leave the room.

As Auria closed the door behind them, Alex turned to her. "How long was I out for?" He asked. "My guess is roughly three hours." Auria said. "Three hours?! How?" Alex asked, side eyed. "They were examining your flame. Although it doesn't normally take this long, but yours was quite complex." Auria explained. "My flame?" Alex inqured. "Yes your flame. Your spark. Your magical essence. Every living thing has one." She explained. "But why would they want to examine that?" Alex inquired.

"Because they needed to see whether or not they could trust you. They tested your intentions through your flame." She continued as they left the building. "If you are a 'good' person, it reflects within your flame. It burns brightly and purely as if it were a white light. But, if you are an ill-willed person, it becomes darker, almost black."

"What was the outcome? Do you know?" Alex asked in an anxious voice. "No one besides the Elders know, but if I had to take a guess from how long it took and their difficulty in deciding, I'd say you lean to a neutral position." Auria explained. "If that is the case, I understand their reluctance. But maybe there are other factors they considered." she continued.

Alex twiddled his fingers. "At least they agreed to our terms. We should head back. The Elders said they'd meet us there." He sighed and started walking out of the cottage. Auria gave him a sideways glance, opening her mouth as if to say something, but then closing it again. She shook her head and followed suit.

"I'm guessing they made some kind of deal with you?" Auria asked as they left the building and crossed the clearing in the forest. "Indeed. In order for them to help us, I had to agree to help them should the need ever arise." He told her as he picked up the pace. "We have to get back, we've been gone too long for my liking."

Auria paused for a moment as Alex stepped through the portal that would take them back home. "I hope you're ready for what's coming Alex." She said after his form disappeared into the portal before following seconds later.

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