"Change" [Eyeless Jack] part 1

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TW: There will be more violence in this store than prior ones (i.e. burning, stabbing). If this isn't for you please move on I don't want anyone being affected because of something I've written. I'll be putting out a Hoodie oneshot tonight or tomorrow so look out for that!

If you're skipping I hope you have a lovely day, if not, Enjoy! -🦨


'Who am I?' Tears streaked down your face, no longer the same it had once been. The tears oozing almost as if it were tar. "WHO AM I?" Your voice boomed, pain infiltrating it as it cracked. You stuttered slightly, your vocal cords having been completely destroyed and wrecked nearly beyond repair. You placed your burnt, calloused hands on on your neck feeling the open wounds of the knives. College was supposed to be rough,, but—

[A few hours prior/past]

You had been studying in the dorm of your close friend, [friend name]. Working on genetics had been easy for you so far, but you had gotten seriously stuck on the current part. "Shit, [friend name]?" Their eyes flickered over to you, tipped drink cans were scattered all around and a pizza box lay atop the bottom bunk of their bed. "Dude it's just a Punnet Square with images?? Are you slow?" You flushed in embarrassment, "No, I understood I was just making sure you did." They snorted and rolled their eyes "Whatever, man."

The shuffle of footsteps was heard outside; it was way past the time the dorms were locked, so it was a little concerning and confusing. You stood up opening the curtains a little, the window having already been left open to let in the fall breeze. The AC of the dorms had broke recently and they couldn't get anyone out to fix it yet. "What are you looking at?" You waved your hand trying to tell [friend name] to shut up, but they didn't get the memo "[Y/N], what are you-," you turned quickly, "Dude shut up-!" Turning back you saw the group walking into the cafeteria. You turned around and quickly pulled your jacket on, tossing your laptop onto the bed and jogging over to the door, hurrying slip your shoes on. "The fuck are you going?" "There's a bunch of people out there going into the cafeteria,, I wanna see what's going on, call security. They're wearing hoods or some shit." You looked at [friend name] and grinned, "If I don't come out I was sacrificed to the devil." They chuckled and rolled their eyes, "Whatever, it's probably just a club. Go have fun." You gave a thumbs up and jogged out of the dorms towards the cafeteria.


Staying behind the landscaping, beautifully pruned trees covering your figure. You walked closer peering into the large windows of the building seeing nothing. Your looked around you wondering if they could've gone into the trees surrounding the campus. The university wasn't rural, but a large forest sat behind it. There were all kinds of rumors people would spread about it, ranging from the goat man to ritualistic sacrifices. There was little evidence to support either, but people would swear on their life they saw things transpire. Who knows, maybe you'd be the next to see? You rolled your eyes at the thought and got a little closer. All of the lights were off, including most of the outside ones. Students were advised to stay inside at night unless accompanied by security as they were armed with tasers because there had been a couple of instances of people going missing, but hardly anyone went outside anyways. They would appear the next day with no recollection of what had occurred, and the instance would simply be blamed on study drugs despite nothing being found in their systems. One student had even been suspended due to such behavior, and the cops were unwilling to look into it because of the recent influx in usage of study drugs.


Seeing nothing inside, you figured they had probably went through the cafeteria as a way to access the forest. Your mind was running rampant now and you were on high alert. What if they were the ones taking people or even sacrificing them. "There's no way," you muttered to yourself and placed your hands on your cheeks rubbing some. Dropping your hands, you looked around still not seeing campus security. You debated for a moment following them or going after them. You weighed your options and chose going after them, not wanting to lose them and still not know anything of what happened.


From that point on, your mind is blank. Your eyes are blurry from tears and smoke around you. Screams were ringing out but you didn't no where from. You were numb, moving but not at the same time. You reached out for anyone, anything. Adrenaline was pumping into your system, harsh breaths drawn in by your burning lungs. [You prayed to your god/You prayed to whatever was above] that you would live. Your hearing slowly came back, choked sobs escaping your body and you crawled among burnt embers. People were encircling you in robes clapping and cheering. "Please.. Please.." choked sobs escaped you as you collapsed. The pain still hadn't set in, you were too disoriented.


Screams. Knives carving flesh. White robes and covered faces displaying smiles. "Please no!" A voice screamed out, but it was no longer yours. It had changed into a somewhat snarl, deep and full of pain. You sounded like an animal, a deer? It was a celebration of new life.
Cheers and happy faces surrounded you.


So! That was kind of how you've become how you are within this story, the next part will be out later along with a hoodie oneshot when finished! Hope you're ready for some angst 😳 -🦨

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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