Lily and Hugo

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When Lily and Hugo were younger, before Hogwarts, they did everything together. Not knowing any other Wizarding kids their age, all of the cousins were inseparable. Lily always had crazy exciting ideas, and Hugo would always go along with her with whatever she did. Often Lily bossed Hugo around, and Hugo always agreed with her.

If they were playing in the woods behind Lily's house, she would always come up with some grand adventure or make-believe for them to do. Hugo always agreed. If there was ever something dangerous or scary, Hugo would always do it first. That was just the way the two operated.

When they got older, Lily was Sorted into Ravenclaw and Hugo to Gryffindor. They didn't spend as much time together as they did when the ran carefree through the woods, laughing all the way, but they were still there for each other when the other needed them. Whenever one needed the other, just to talk if they were having a hard day, or just listen, they would always make time for each other. They knew that they couldn't stay mad at each other long, for family would intervene, so they didn't get mad at each other. They would always be Lily and Hugo, forevermore.

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