~Ainsley Greenhill~ (Uke)

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Name: Ainsley Greenhill

Nicknames: None currently

Age: Depends, typically around a college age

Sex: Male

Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him

Sexuality/Romantic attraction: homosexual

Scars: Some small ones on the back of his right shoulder blade

Tattoos: None


Nicknames: None currently

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Nicknames: None currently

Age: Depends, typically around a college age

Sex: Male

Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him

Sexuality/Romantic attraction: homosexual

Scars: Some small ones on the back of his right shoulder blade

Tattoos: None

Defining/Striking traits: He seems completely normal in terms of looks. He is defined by the way that he moves. All of the emotions he contains are not through his voice but it's conveyed through his movement. For example, when content his movements are fluid and he remains relatively still. But when he is stressed he's tense and moves quickly, making it stand out. He doesn't seem to notice that he does any of this.

Personality: He is always kind and likes to give every person he meets a chance. He is very forgiving as well, making him easily susceptible to toxic people and relationships. It doesn't help how fragile he seems to look. He never fights, and his mood often fluctuates with how others around him seem to be. Despite this, he is very capable of thinking for himself.

Strengths: Seeing the good in people, giving chances to those who are left behind. He forms meaningful relationships with those who don't manipulate him.

Weaknesses: Physically weak and refuses to fight, targeted by manipulating people, he is awful at speaking over the phone since he's unable to convey emotion through his voice

Habits: depending on his mood, he will either stay completely still or be fidgeting constantly. He taps his feet and hands, scratches his arms and head, and sometimes clicks his tongue quietly

Relationship status: Single unless specified in an rp

Family: Mother and Father are both alive. He has no siblings

Background/backstory: Ainsley often had to fend for himself as a child. His father is deaf and often bedridden with illness, so he was taught from a young age to care for him. Constantly having to watch over his father, instead of the other way around, Ainsley learned to fend for himself and developed his deep care for other people. His mother, too focused on his father, drilled into his young mind that his emotions didn't matter because his father's health was more important. Attempting to keep his emotions hidden, he began speaking completely in monotone. However, to communicate with his father through signing, he began using his expression and mood to convey his feelings without realizing. Even after he went off to college and left his home, the habit stayed with him.

Mental illnesses: very mild depression and anxiety, nearly handled completely through medication

Health problems: None

Fears/Phobias: He is afraid of being neglected by others, speaking over the phone (since he can't convey his emotion people often get the wrong idea from what he's saying), and extreme heights

Smokes?: No

Drinks?: No

Occupation: works at a cafe while he's in college, wants to work as a therapist

Position: uke

Pets: A red tabby cat named Jasper (female)

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