Chapter 1

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I was standing outside in front of the gate that led to a haunted house. Well, a house rumored to be haunted.
It was Halloween, and earlier today me, my friends, and the most incredible girl in the world, were playing a game of truth or dare (we were all much to old to be trick or treating, as we are all 14), and then my best friend Levi (who's an idiot) dared me to sneak into the abandoned house on Whicker Street.
The house has been pretty much abandoned since the 1900s after the original owner , Herald Brown, died in it.
Multiple realtors have
tried to sell it, but every time they tried to  show it something went wrong. Sometimes lights would start going berserk, the water would run red, things would move on their own, and once, a guy said that he saw a translucent figure of a man walking through the walls... They then tried to just tear the whole place down with a bulldozer, but every time they tried the machines would keep breaking down! So eventually everyone just decided to leave it alone. And I was about to walk in there on a stupid dare. Great. Now don't get me wrong, I'm much too mature to actually believe any of that stuff (I'm 14 after all), but, with how many stories about this place, you can't help but be cautious. I might not be superstitious, but I'm also not dumb enough to think there's nothing wrong with the place. I ran my hand through my blond hair and looked up at the house. It was midnight, so the house was engulfed by moonlight.
Which only added to the creepy atmosphere. The house itself might have once been a comfortable place back in its prime, but now it was starting to fall apart do to lack of care.
The peach colored paint was severely chipped away while almost all the windows were cracked or missing from the three story house.
The roof has caved in on one spot, do to a hail storm from two years ago.
The green door was the only thing that still seemed like it was in fairly good working condition.
The door was almost the same shade as my eyes. I then looked at my friends with a bit disdain.
Ordinarily I would chew off my own arm before coming anywhere near this house, but I couldn't turn down the dare in front of Tina (aka, goddess of beauty who graces the 9th grade) without looking like a total wimp, and they both know it. Valentina, Tina for short, is the sweetest, prettiest, kindest, and just best person ever. About a month ago she moved to town and started coming to my school, and life has never been the same since. I found out that it was nearly impossible to form a whole sentence around her presence. So I'm pretty sure that she thinks I'm a weirdo with a speaking disorder. She probably wouldn't even know I exist if she wasn't friends with Betty (Levi's twin sister) and hangs out with us sometimes. Right now she's standing a few feet away from me dressed as a princess (very accurate).
Her curly ginger hair was up in a ponytail with a plastic tiara tangled in it. She was wearing her mom's sapphire earrings, which made her blue eyes pop. Her pink princess dress was a bit wrinkled, and the whole princess effect was a little off thanks to her sneakers. I quickly looked away when she glanced at me. Levi, who was dressed as a ghostbuster, smiled smugly at me.
The moonlight shining on his already pale skin making him look like the ghost.
Betty, who was dressed as a Gypsy, was trying to contain giggles. Her jet black wig that was covering her brown hair was a bit lopsided. And her prescription glasses that nearly hid her brown eyes were almost falling off. I glared at them both. They knew how much I didn't like this place. I swore then that I would someday get my revenge. Levi was the first to speak. "So, I guess Tommy here should get going. Have fun with the ghost!" My glare deepened. "There's no such thing as ghosts, Idiot." I said. He raised a brow. "Then why are you stalling?" I didn't have anything to say because I was, in fact, stalling. I took a deep breath and looked up at the house with dread. I was just about to swallow my pride and run like the chicken I am when Tina said. "I have an idea. How about when you get back I could... Umm, give you one kiss if you bring something back for me?" I spun on my heel and stared at her. WHAT?! She was blushing crazily and smiling awkwardly. "I've always liked pirates." I silently praised my mom for saving money and making me wear my older brother's old pirate costume. I smiled like an idiot and said "OKAY!" Loudly and practically skipped to the house. I only came down from my temporary high when I came to the door. I swallowed hard and glanced back at my friends. Levi was running his hand through his curly brown hair before giving me a smile and a wink. Betty was giving me an identical wink. And Tina was giving me a heart melting smile of encouragement. I turned back to the door, took a deep breath, grabbed my flashlight out of my pocket and clicked it on, and turned the knob.

Sooo, what do you think? I promise that the story gets better as it goes. Also, I wanted to say that this is the only place that I have published this story, so if you see it anywhere else, then that's not me. I just wanted to let you all know. Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you would comment your honest opinion of my story, and if you think I could improve and how. Ok, I have nothing else to say now, except I hope to see you in the next chapter!

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