Chapter 4

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When I woke up again I was laying on something soft. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was laying on some half destroyed sofa in a strange room rather than my own bed in my own room. I sat up straight when I suddenly remembered everything that happened before. It must have all been a dream. A really, really, really strange dream. Somehow I must have fallen asleep on this sofa and dreamt it all. I was about to let out a relieved sigh when I turned my head and saw the ghost standing beside me. Well, I say standing, but he was more like hovering. Oh crap. That's when I also noticed that hundreds of little mice, rats, and cockroaches were watching me from the floor. I squirmed a bit on the sofa and tried to see a way of escape... There wasn't any. Uh oh. The ghost had his arms crossed as he rolled his eyes. "Oh goody. Your still alive." The ghost said sarcastically. I noticed that he had an English accent. I never knew that he was English. I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I stopped and opened my eyes, the ghost and his minions were still there, staring at me. I'm gonna die. I'm going to be murdered by a ghost and a bunch of pests. I'm never going kiss Tina. No no no no! My teeth were chattering when I asked "A-a-are you g-gonna.. kill me?" Dead silence followed for about ten seconds before the ghost broke out laughing. The pests all made noises and gestures that made them seem like they were laughing along with him. I have to admit, my ego has taken several huge hits today. After a couple minutes the laughter died down. The ghost rolled his eyes and said "No. I'm not going to kill you. I'm much too civilized for that nonsense. But my cousin Devin would. Your lucky that he isn't visiting at the moment. Now he would have LOVED to have ripped you limb from limb!" I gulped. I was relived that he didn't seem like he was going to kill me. And apparently I was relieved that Devin wasn't visiting. I frowned after I thought of something. "But what was with the candle? And the music? Also, how did I get on the sofa? I thought ghosts couldn't carry heavy weight." The ghost clicked his tongue (I didn't know that they could do that) before answering. "Well, both of those things weren't exactly fatal, were they? No. I simply wanted to scare you away. I am sick and tired of you bloody children coming into my home as you please and ransacking it!" I glanced around the room. There wasn't exactly a lot to ransack. But that could be because it already has been. But I doubt it was if he had that sort of hospitality for everyone. I was about to say so when he apparently read my mind. He raised a finger and said "Don't. even. say. it." I distinguished the thought at once. "What's your name boy?" He asked. "Tommy." "Tommy? That's a pathetic name. No, I'm going to call you Thomas." I felt extremely insulted and was about to tell him so But I then I thought of something again. "You didn't answer one of my questions. How did I get on the sofa?" The ghost glanced at the floor, to be more specific the pests, and seemed to be suppressing an amused grin. "Your right about one thing. I cannot carry extremely heavy things." I was about to point out that I wasn't THAT heavy when he continued. "The only reason that I was able to save you from the sword was because it wasn't as heavy, and I only held for a few moments. It took quite a bit of effort on my part. How you got on the sofa, well, you have the mice to thank for that." I blinked at him stupidly a couple times before looking down at the mice, who were still staring up at me. "What do you mean? Like, they all carried me Ratatouille style onto the sofa?" "I'm not sure what you mean by 'Ratatouille style', but yes. They did carry you." My eyes widened as I wondered if they had any life threatening diseases. I didn't say that out loud though. "Umm... Thank you mice.." I swear that I saw one nod at me. I turned back to the ghost in curiosity. "So do you like, control them or something?" He rolled his eyes again as a few of the mice, rats, and cockroaches made insulted noises. "Oh no. No. I can communicate with them. A neat trick I learned after I died. I do not control them. I simply have an arrangement with them. I give them residence here and they tell me everything that is happening in town. And occasionally they move things for me. Or in this case, annoying pests." I nodded along, pretending that I fully understand what he was saying. "Okay, I see."
"I don't think you do. But it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you should be leaving now. And never coming back!" I totally agreed with that. But then he suddenly reached into my pocket and brought out Tina's necklace. "And I will be taking this back." I panicked and grabbed the necklace. "NO! PLEASE! I need that!" He raised a brow then looked me up and down. "I'm not sure if it's your color." I shook my head vigorously. "No. Not for me. I n-need it for someone..." After a moment he got a sly grin on his face. "Ahh, I see now. It's a girl. And let me guess, she's the whole reason you were foolish enough to come here?" The annoying blush on my cheeks gave me away. "Well... Umm." He chuckled. "Don't worry child. Young love gets the best of us. I mean, I remember my first infatuation. She was a young ballerina. I actually bought this necklace for her. But in the end she ended up marrying a butcher. A butcher! Can you believe it?!" I frowned a bit. "No.. I can't?" "That's right! It's simply unbelievable! But I suppose that's what love is. Unbelievable." I was quiet for a minute before I asked "Sooo.. does that mean I can have the necklace?" He gave an irritated expression while he shook me off the necklace. "No. It doesn't." I gave him a desperate expression. "Please, man! I need it! Tina said that she would kiss me if I brought something back for her-" "Then bring her a dust bunny for all I care." "No, Herald-" "Mr. Brown to you." "Mr. Brown. I want to bring her something that she would love and cherish. And this is perfect! You would understand if you knew her, she's amazing! She's sweet, kindhearted, beautiful, charming, smart, kind-" "Just get on with it!" "And just incredible! And I need that necklace! Plus, there's my idiot friends Levi and Betty, who will NEVER let me forget it if I fail tonight! They are always teasing me that Im afraid of ghosts just because I had ONE nightmare when I was five! They were the ones who made me come here in the first place!" After I finished Mr. Brown had a thoughtful expression on his face. I stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt his train of thought. "Hmm. You say that it was your friends who made you come here?" I nod slowly. An evil smirk spread across his face. "I would be willing to give you the necklace, I don't have much use for it anyway, if you would be willing to help me have some fun. It can get deathly boring being a ghost."

This has been my favorite chapter to write! The next chapter is the last one of this story, so I hope to see you there!

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