Chapter 5

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Me and Mr. Brown were now standing in his attic, going over our plan. The attic was all wood, and had a caved in hole in the far side of the ceiling. There was a single glass less window on the front wall that had two wood shutters on each side. The attic was also a storage space. There were so many oddities that I wanted to search through them all. I didn't though, because I had the feeling that Mr. Brown would hurt me if I did. Apparently I was already on thin ice as it is. I felt excited to get payback at Levi and Betty for attempting to embarrass me in front of Tina. They absolutely deserved this. Though I felt bad about doing this to Tina too. She didn't deserve to be scared. But it's not like anyone was actually going to get hurt. Or at least thats what I told myself. Worst comes to worst, I'll use my college money to pay for their therapy.
Mr. Brown turned back to me from the window. "All right. They are still outside where you left them. Now it's time for the fun to begin!" I nod in response. I then get into character and stick my head out the window. "HELP!" I call out. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" My friends all look up in unison with surprised expressions. I lift one arm out the window and start grasping at the sides. "HELP! HE'S GONNA KILL ME!" Behind me Mr.Brown starts cackling as loud as he can so they can hear. The twins just stared in surprise with their mouths agape, but Tina immediately jumped into action. She went and grabbed a fallen tree branch and ran to the door. Before we had stuck a chair against the door to buy ourselves extra time. She started banging on the door and pushing it. I made myself look like I was being jerked backwards by someone and fell back inside. Mr. Brown shut the window shutters and I screamed loudly for dramatic effect. I silently thanked my mom for insisting on those drama lessons. Me and Mr. Brown quickly went to the second floor then into the music room with the piano. Laying on the floor were a pile of chains (where a ghost got those chains, I do not know) waiting for me. Beside the chains was the WW1 sword that was meant for later. I draped the chains around myself to make it look like I was trapped while Mr. Brown got ready at the piano. We waited a few moments before one of the mice scurried in and started squeaking to Mr. Brown. He nodded then turned to me. "They're all inside." I nodded and got back into character. Mr. Brown started playing the piano. I recognized the song to be 'Moonlight sonata' by Beethoven. My music teacher played it once at school. I heard a girly screech from downstairs and knew that Levi found the cockroaches. I yelled out as if I was in pain. Mr. Brown laughed wickedly with a genuine gleam in his translucent eyes. Being a ghost must get really boring. We heard several pairs of footsteps ascending the stairs. Then the door slammed open to reveal my friends, Tina in the lead. Tina jumped in and swung her tree branch at Mr. Brown's head. The branch went right through of course. Which earned gasps from the twins. "Run guys! RUN!" Tina screamed to the twins while she still, to no avail, tried to decapitate the ghost with a branch. I silently added 'extremely brave' to the very long and extending list of 'Why Tina is amazing'. The twins tried to make a run for it, but the pests, as planned, were blocking their paths on both sides. So the only way to go was into here. They stayed where they were, not knowing what to do. Then the pests started to jump at them. They screamed and both ran into here. A few of the pests still chased after them, and cornered them in the far corner of the room. Opposite corner to me. Once the twins were trapped, Mr. Brown grabbed hold of Tina's branch and pulled it. Tina held fast, so he swung her a bit. Then she fell, got up, and ran to the twins. They were all filled with panic as the ghost slowly walked towards them. I started to pull the chains off me, making it look like a tough job. Then I grabbed the sword that was 'conveniently' laying beside me. Then I 'snuck' behind Mr.Brown as he dramatically raises his branch. And just before he's about to seemingly hit them, I swing my sword and cut off his glowing head. All my friends started screaming as his head hit the floor and his hands reached out to grab it. His decapitated head was saying several colorful curses. (The plan was that I was actually going to cut off his arm, which according to him isn't as annoying. Apparently since they're already dead, when they have limbs cut off, it doesn't do any damage and they can just reattach themselves. Neat huh?) I reached out and grabbed one of Tina's hands in my free one. "Come on! Let's get out of here!" I said. They didn't object and instead run with me out the doorway. On the way I make a show of swinging my sword threateningly at the pests, when in reality I was being extremely careful not to hurt any of them. Once we got to the foyer the house shook frighteningly. "NO!" Mr. Brown yelled from upstairs as we all bolted out the front door. We kept on running several blocks until we couldn't run anymore and had to stop. We all took a minute to catch our breath. I took a look at all my friends. At one point Levi's pants had become wet from fear. And Betty had lost her wig, probably when we were running. Tina's hair had come out of its ponytail. And her plastic tiara was dangling precariously from a ginger curl. Other than those miner details, everyone seemed fine. A wide smile spread across Tina's face. Then she started laughing. "We did it! Oh my gosh! Did that actually just happen?! OH MY GOSH! We're alive! We just beat a ghost! No, actually Tommy just beat a ghost!" Her excitement was contagious, and eventually we were all laughing. Then I remembered something and reached into my pocket. I looked Tina in the eye with a smile. "A promise is a promise." Then I held the necklace in front my face. Tina's smile widened as she began to blush. "I would have still held true to my promise if you'd brought me a dust bunny." She said before she suddenly kissed me. On the lips! Hell yeah! After we stopped kissing we hugged. I glanced at a lit lamppost behind her shoulder and saw the ghost of Whicker Street leaning against it. He gave me a sly smile and winked just before he faded into the wind.

                             THE END
So, did you enjoy it? I really enjoyed writing this short story, and I would really appreciate any feedback you could give me.

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