Part 1

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"Ginger what is that noise?" Mom asked walking downstairs into mine and Rory's bedroom. 

"That's Garth Brooks," I told her entranced by the book in my hands.

 " Does he have to be so loud?" Mom asked. I put down the book and turned off the stereo. 

"You didn't have to turn it off." Mom said plopping down on my bed. 

"It was on its lowest setting." Mom smiled, I returned her gaze aware the mocking was about to begin. 

" I will never understand why you like that." Mom sighed. 

"It's a gift I have and I can play it." I shrugged picking my book but not before giving a happy

 glance at my brown guitar with a shiny gloss finish on top. I had saved up for it with the money I 

had made working at Luke's. Mom pressed the butten to turn on my stereo. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I want to understand your gift." 

"Really?" I asked pausing friends in low places. 

Mom nodded. I got up, walked over too my dresser and opened it. 

"How much time do you have?" I asked a bit of red curly hair falling into my face; I got it from my

 grandmother, some thing I would never forgive genetics for. 

"Um." Mom looked at my alarm clock. " A couple hours." I knew she would regret saying that.

"In that case, will start at the beginning." I pulled out my CD of the will the circle be unbroken by

 the Colter family. 

"Who are they?" Mom asked as I gentley put the CD in. 

"The first country act." I played the song. Mom shook and rolled her shoulders attempting to 

sing the hook of the course. 

"Okay, now were going move on to Johny Cash." I said takeing out the next CD in my collection.

" Oo I know who that is!" Mom through her arms in the air.


 "Hi Luke." I said walking into the dinner the next day. 

"Hey Ginger." Luke said.

Taylor and his group of scouts marched in behind me. 

"Okay boys order and then move to back of the line." Taylor said.

"I want a burger."

"I want one too with fries and make them really really crispy."

"I want mine crisp too."

"You didn't order fries." I told the boy lifting the  doughnut countaner's lid.

"Mr. Doose shes not suppose too do that." A little boy tuged on mr. Doose's shirt.

"That's right and she-"

"Shut up I work here." I said shoving the choclate doughtnut in my mouth.

The phone rang and Luke picked it up. I continued starring down the jam-handed kids.

Luke started yelling before hanging up.

"Do you have a sister?" Luke asked no one impartial.

"I do."

"You have my sympathies."

"I have a sister too." I said. At that molment Mom and Rory walked in.

"You" Luke pointed to Rory, "also have my sympathies."


I was walking through town when a body shoved into me spilling my coffee. 

"Watch it will you." I said before turning around meeting a pair of brown-green eyes.

I tucked a wild strand of hair behind my ear. "Your new."

"I just got off the bus." He said in a monotone voice.

"Oh your Jess." I said.

He nodded.

"Um well, do you want me to show you around?" I asked." I work for Luke by the way." I added. 

"That would explian why you know who I am." 

"I would know who you were  any way." I said taking a sep in the opposite direction and motioning  for Jess to follow.  

"This is Miss Patty's dance studio, if I were you I would steer clear of Miss Patty."

He gave me a bewilderd look. " Just stay far away." I told him moving on to the next street.

"Here we have the local market, Taylor the owner and Luke are always fighting also where my sister boyfriend works." 

He nodded.

" Also steer clear of him, he's not my favorite person and he'll probily hate you." 

Jess smirked.

"You don't talk much." I sated.

He started to say something before a familiar face ran into me.

"Hey Cristal." I said just as she cut me off.

"Hi Ginger, who's the James Dean look a like?" Cristal had all way been very out spoken, and 

since the seventh grade had had a thing for James Dean.

"I saw him first he's mine."

"Unfare you had a half day today so the chances of you seeing him first."

"I feel like I'am being sold down the river." Jess said.

"Sorry we do this everytime some one new moves in." I said.

"Back to your point." Cristal said impatiently.

"Right, I spent most of the day at home and only went out to see you so since you always go to

 Luke's after school you had more of a chance of seeing him than I did."

"Wait why would I have- oh your Luke's nephew the trouble maker, you can have him." Cristal 

said glancing at Jess. 

"Thank you." I said giving Jess a smile.

"Gazebo." Cristal said. I gave a nod in reply.

"I though you were going to show me around." Jess took three brisk steeps to catch us with us.

"You have seen the market, the dance studio, I'm going to assume you've seen Luke's other than

 that's pretty much the whole town." I said just as we reached the the gazebo.

"Okay then." Jess sat down next to us.

"Here you go." I handed Cristal my math home work while she pulled out her writing


Jess staired at us.

"We do this every day." I said.

He nodded.

Luke came across the street to us.

"Hi Luke." I called.

"Hi Ginger, Cristal." He said.

"Your mom was just in the dinner, she were going to have dinner together." He said.

" Take out or your food, I'll need to prepare Jess if it's take out?" I asked. 

"Sookie's cooking."

"Okay then I'll you both then. Cristal and I have home work to do." I said.

"Bye Jess bye Luke." I waved, before leading Cristal off to my house. 





The Adventures of Ginger GilmoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora