A Really Big Suprise

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Jess's POV

I woke up to golden early morning light filtering through the musted window. Ginger was laying 

on my chest, our blanket tightly wrapped around her shoulders. A glance at my watch showed 

me that it was seven a.m. Ginger loved to sleep in, so it didn't surprise me that she was still fast 

asleep. I brushed her vibrant red hair from her slightly freckled face. I loved her so much. It had 

always been my intention to run away from the prison that was Stars Hallow, I had thought that I

 would be on my cross country trip by myself, but I was so glad to have her by my side. Looking 

out the back window of the car, I saw the old couple had already left, and the blue-eyed family's 

car was rattling out of the field. It was going to be a good day.


Later that day,

Ginger's POV

The smell of food woke me. I open my rich brown eyes to see that Jess was devouring a burrito.

 There were red and silver wrappers. 

"There's a Chick-fil-a down the street; I got your favorite." He offered me a classic chicken 

sandwich. I happily excepted.

After breakfast, I open the trunk and allowed fresh air to infiltrate the car. I got out with my 

clothes and marched into the woods. 'Snap' went a large twig somewhere behind me. I turned

 , assuming it was Jess. To my surprise, a silk white fluff ball of a dog came up to me. I loved dogs

 and, unlike my mother, was able to care for them. "Hello, buddy," I said, dropping to my knees

 with a huge smile plaster on my face. The dog, who seemed to be a husky, came trotting to me.

 The dog licked me as I tried to find a collar. It didn't have one. The dog walked off a few feet and

 looked back at me. I followed it. Snow, as I had decided to call her, led me to a fell hollow tree.

 The second she stuck her head into the largest opening, six fluffy adorable white balls came 

tumbling out. "Are these your pups?" I asked Snow. 

I gather as many of the pups as I could and skipped back to the car. Snow corraled the remaining

 pups, making sure they stayed within a few feet of me. "Jess, look what I found!" I shouted.

"What why aren't you dressed?- Oh, no." The three pups I couldn't hold started jumping at Jess's

 legs. "Why-how?"


Third-person POV

Rory shut her bedroom door. Dean sat on her bed, waiting for her to sit down. Rory picked up her

 phone, clutching Dean's hand. Why was she worried she was calling her sister? Outside the calm

 room, Rory's level headed mother was currently having a meltdown. Luke was there, too; he was

 silently having a panic attack. 

Rory dialed Ginger's number wondering why no one had done this before. 

"Hey." Ginger said.

"Hi, where are you?"

"I'm fine."

"I know that, but where are you." 

Lorelai strutted in. "Is that Ginger?" The phone was ripped from the teen's hands.


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