Pre Meet-Up

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Jess's POV

I woke up to six young puppies crawling all over me. I pick up the one that was sitting on my

 chest. "Hey," I said in response, she barked. This one's name was Ice, I think. Ginger also had

 puppies on her though they seem to be asleep. 

"Ginger," I whispered into her ear; in response, she elbowed me in the chest. 

"Go away." She said sleepily.

"It's almost nine," I responded.

"Fine." She sat up, red hair matted and normally gentle brown eyes piercing my soul. "Happy now?"


"If you take the dogs out, I'll make breakfast." She said.

"I thought you like my coffee more than yours."

"Only because I don't have to make it." I rolled my eyes and opened the trunk letting all seven

 dogs free.

I was wearing a hoodie and dull jeans; we hardly ever did laundry, so we wore the same outfits 

for several days in a row. Snow led her pups to the forest, where they began to run, looking like a 

pack of white wolves. They ran to the nearest freshwater stream and drank their fill. Ice swatted 

the frigid water at one of her brothers, who promptly back away to their mother. I think Ice was 

my favorite. 

Ginger's POV

I made two cups of coffee. I had turned Jess onto coffee when we started dating; I had turned

 him into a mild addict. My phone started buzzing. 


"Hey, Ginger," Rory said.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked.

"Fine, you," She responded with a shake in her voice. 

"Good. Are you in Europe?" 

"Yes... Are you in America?" I laughed at this.

"Yeah, we are," I paused, " And we got dogs!"

"What?" She laughed.

"I was taking a walk, and I found this litter of puppies and their mom, and now we feed them." I 

smiled. It was nice to talk to someone who wasn't and ball of fluff or a monosyllabic James Dean.

 As much as I loved Jess, he wasn't one for a light-hearted conversation.  

"Does Jess like them?"

"Yeah, he does. I woke yesterday, and he had one of them crawling on his head." I giggled.

"That sounds adorable."

"Yeah, it was. He's out with them right now," I responded, glancing out the rain-streaked window.

"Hey, mom and I are coming home early, and um... I was wondering if you would like to meet up

 with us for lunch or something?" She asked, painfully shaping me back to reality. 

"Um, sure, it would be nice to see you guys. Do you want to meet at Luke's?" I asked awkwardly.

"Okay, I'll see you in a week?" 

"Ok, see you then." 

She quickly hung up.

And then it hit me; I was going to have to see the town, Luke, Rory, and .... my mother.


Auther's note;

Hi! Sorry, I haven't updated. It has been a crazy holiday! I'm so glad that people are liking this story. Please feel free to comment; I love hearing from people. Suggestions and Constructive criticism are appreciated.

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