Calming down Part One

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while!

Ginger's POV

It had been a week since Rory called. Jess and I are about to drive into town. My heart felt like it

 was about to explode, my head was pounding, and I was sweating like it was august in Florida.

"Fire, calm down," Jess said. He wasn't very good at comforting people.

"I'm just stressed, okay?" I responded snappily. One of the puppies managed to crawl into my

 lap; it was Ice. 

We pulled up to Luke's.

I looked out the window to find a coffee-colored jeep beside us. Rory waved at us while Mom

 snuck a small glance. Opening my door, Sown barreled out, jumping up on Mom's door. I pulled

 her down as Mom opened her door. 

"Hi, when did you get a dog?" Mom asked me while petting Snow. 

"Well, I found her in the woods with her puppies."  The six puppies tumble out at that moment,

 barking a jumping at Mom's feet. Rory got out too a started playing with them. Ice started 

walking toward the street when Jess darted out, scooping up Ice a scolding her. 

"He does have a heart," Mom exclaimed. 

"Mom," Rory said.

"What, I haven't gotten to tease him in weeks," Mom responded.

"It's fine," Jess said.

"How many syllables was that?" 

"Mother," Rory and I corrected while Jess put the puppies back. 

"Fine, I'm done. Let's go to Luke's," Mom responded. 

We walked into the dinner with Snow trailing us. 

"Ginger!" Luke exclaimed, giving me a big hug. "What's that?" He pointed at Snow."

"That is a dog," Jess said. 

"I know that put what is it doing in my dinner?"

"She followed us; her name is Snow, she doesn't bite," Jess said.

"Yeah, who knew that Jess was a dog person," I said. 

We sat down and ordered a round of coffee. 

"So," Rory said after an uncomfortable silence. 

"So," I responded.

"Um, why did you leave?" Mom asked.

"I didn't get into Yale," I said quietly. 

"Oh." Mom said.

"I was so mad that Rory got in when she didn't even want to and that we had the simial essay

 the same GPA and I had way better participate grade and extracurriculars." Jess placed an arm

 around my shoulder as I began to work myself up. 

"I'm sorry, Gin," Rory said.

"Later at the party, Jess told me that he wasn't graduating high school. We sort of just left." I explained.  

"Oh, okay. So could you come home?" Mom asked.

"Maybe, one day, but now I want to get a job, buy an apartment, figure out what I want to do

 with my life," I said.

"Okay, how can we help?" 



Challenge: Names for the puppies, they should all do winter themed.

Thanks for reading!

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