Just Driving

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So we were off into the world;

We drove down the town's old streets, smiling, not saying a  word but laughing when we passed

 certain spots. I pulled out one of my blank notebooks and a pencil from my backpack. "Thanks 

for getting the pencils," I said as I started writing down cords.

"You're welcome," Jess said while merging onto the highway.

(A day-ish later)

After a few hours, we started to run low on gas and decided to call it a night. We drive until Jess 

spots a sign for free camping; I didn't know there was such a thing. We cruise through the mouth

 of a forest into an open field; there was a Mini Van in one corner surrounded by about 

five young kids and an RV that housed an elderly couple who sat on comfortable lawn chairs. We

 parked in the upper part of the field as it was the driest area. I got out and stretched before 

reaching into the back seat a grabbing my guitar. Jess opened the trunk with a book and pencil

 and leaned against the back row of seats opening his book to the midpoint. I sit down on the 

edge of the car so that my bare feet touch the wet grass, I start to play Blackbird by the Beetles

 it's a new song so I only really know the first part. Biting my lip I play the picking pattern; first

 finger second freet fifth string, then second finger first freet second string; I do that a couple of

 time before moving on to the second line of the song. I heard Jess put down his book; he l 

placed his head on my shoulder, I turned. "Am I disturbing you?" I asked. "No, this is one of my 

favorite songs." He gave one of his rare genuine smiles. I continued playing. A little girl with dirty

 blonde hair and shining baby blue eyes. I stopped mid-song to smile at the five-ish girl, I loved kids. The second Jess saw the girl he began backing into the nearest corner, he did not like kids. 

"Hello." I said with a friendly smile on my face. 

"I like that song." She said.

 "Me too."

"Do you like that song?" She said pointing to Jess. At first, he didn't respond but I fixed that with a death glare.

"Yeah, I do." 

"Ok. Do you want me to play more?" She nodded vigorously. Soon her aggressively blue-eyed

 siblings made their way to us. I played more songs, Brown-eyed girl,  Sweet Home Alabama, 

which caused the older couple to also gather in the crowd, and This land is Your Land. After the 

little kids left there parents thanked me for entertaning them and gave me ten dollars. The older

 couple also gave me money. I thanked them profusly before packing my giutar and slipping it in 

to the the frunt seat. Jess had pulled out the blankets and made our bed in the very back, while I

 went into the woods to change. Wen I got back we suggled up together and read untill we got 

tired too see strait. I fell fast alseep on his shoulder. 

"Good night Fire." 

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