6 - Aconite (Year 1)

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After breakfast the Slytherins all set off together for lessons. They decided if they were late they would get in the least amount of trouble this way. Nearly half an hour had passed and the ten of them were still roaming round the castle. Yes, the paintings were useful but there weren't any on the outside walls. 

'Soph? Where have you brought us?' laughed Mila.


'We're lost aren't we?'

'No...' Mila raised her eyebrows.

'Well, maybe'

'Guys we're lost' called Mila to the five boys that stood behind them. 

'Great job, Pansy,' mocked Theo.

'What do you mean? It was Sophie. WHAT THE F-' 


 Nine of them were brought almost to tears laughing at Pansy. 

'Ooooh ickle firsties!'

'Oh so you're Peeves'



All ten of them had now been thrown onto the floor. 

'Great, now were definitely going to be late!' moaned Mila.

'We were just attacked by a poltergeist and your worrying if we are going to be late or not?' laughed Malfoy

'Thanks for the analysis.'

'Come on if we don't leave now we are going to be even later than we already are,' said Daphne getting up 


A piece of chalk hit her in the middle of the forehead. 

'Peeves you motherfu-'

'OUCH!' one had just hit Mila on the back of the head.

'RUN!' After running all round the castle being pelted with chalk, the ten Slytherins finally made it to Herbology – half an hour late. 

 'There you all are! What on earth happened?' asked a dumpy little witch. 

 'Peeves,' they gasped.

'Ahh, no need to say much more. We are just finishing dissecting our Molys, For the last fifteen minutes you can pair up with any Ravenclaw and take down their notes.' 

The trip to the Greenhouses was much more interesting that the actual class. Mila tried hard to find it interesting but decided she hated taking care of plants and fungi. She had never had a pet growing up so her dad bought her a Cactus. Mila once again tried to look after it but got so bored of it she forgot it existed and found it months later shrivelled up under a pile of books. Taking care of plants was defiantly not her strong suit – even if they were magical.

 'Hey is it okay if I sit here?'


Mila sat herself down next to the ginger girl who had corrected Professor McGonagall sheepishly at the sorting. Mila decided she liked the fact she had balls.

Next they had potions and found their way much easier than the last time as it was near the common room and they vaguely remembered the way there once they had reached the viaduct. The potions classroom was filled with jarred, pickled animals which Mila found quite disgusting but also homely at the same time as the dungeon vibe matched the common room. She wasn't really looking forward to being with the Gryffindors. Yet they all knew they had this lesson with their head of house and were all desperate to prove themselves. Professor Snape started the class by taking the register, since she had been so late for Herbology she didn't know that wizards took the register too. 

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