8 - The Legend of Lorelai (Year 1)

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At dinner Mila sat at the Gryffindor table, she looked over at her friends at her house's table and noticed there was an odd atmosphere between Theo and Malfoy. More concerned about her family she turned back to the table helping Ron with his homework. Hermione smiled when they saw the two of them made up, but Harry still hadn't made it back from when McGonagall took him. Finally, things could get back to normal, well normal as it could be. While everyone in the Great Hall was talking or doing their work, they could overhear Seamus.

'Eye of a rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum,' Seamus Finnigan cast to a cup of water; he looked if the spell had worked but shook his head when it didn't, and then tried again.

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" asked Mila

'Turn it into rum,' Ron answered. "Actually, managed weak tea, yesterday. Before..."

Before Ron could finish his sentence, there was a loud explosion coming from Seamus. Everyone looked and saw that the cup exploded, and Seamus was covered in black muck. The students laughed. Mila giggled and noticed something different with Seamus's face.

'Seamus, your eyebrows,' she pointed out.

Seamus reached to where his eyebrows were used to be, he then sighed.

'Not again,' he said under his breath. Mila gave him a comforting smile before she turned back to her work, but soon stopped dead when she saw who sat next to her. It was her brother.

He had his usually messy hair and slit eyebrow from where one of the garden gnomes from the Burrow had bit him as a kid. He have her an apologetic look and pulled her into a hug. It didn't need anymore than that.

'Mum and Dad wrote to me said I should give it to you,' he said without looking her in the eyes, 'I'm sorry.'

Mila was just glad she had her brother back. 'Don't worry,' she smiled opening the letter.

Dearest Mila,

We heard about your sorting, we are proud of you no matter what. Slytherin is lucky to have you. Be careful who you keep close.

Mum and Dad

The Weasleys and Vances stayed in the Great Hall talking and laughing, like they used to, until the caretaker Mr. Filch shouted at them all to scram. Mila made her way down to the common room.

'Good news?' Theo asked, sitting on one of the leather sofa's by the fireplace, when he saw her.

Mila smiled.

'Yes,' she answered.

Before he could ask any farther, Sophie nudged her.

'Hey, Mils, somebody broke into Gringotts.'

She had the Daily Prophet in her hands, she walked over and plonked herself on the sofa opposite Theo and Mila followed. They both paid attention to what Sophie was going to say.

'Listen, believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day.'

That's odd. She remembered how her mother had been called away just before the start of term. It must've been serious to have gotten the Aurors involved. After all they were dark wizard catchers.

'What do you think they were looking for?' Mila asked.

'Could've been anything,' shrugged Theo.

Malfoy strode into the common room talking to Crabbe and Goyle.

'-wizards duel,' Draco finished quickly as he saw them watching.

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