11 - Quidditch (Year 1)

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Despite the mildly disturbing trip down to London and back, Mila decided to take a break from incessantly obsessing over what it all meant - she realised the more she thought the less sense it made so decided to just leave it at that. She was nuts.

She had made it back in just enough time for Quidditch season. Although she desperately wanted to play she didn't mind watching, especially since the first match was Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Besides, Quidditch was much more fun to watch than that ruddy muggle game where they kick around a lifeless ball for nearly two hours.

Harry looked very pale at the Gryffindor table at breakfast. Mila didn't sit with the Gryffindors today, she didn't want to fraternise with the opposition.  And besides although she had joked to Harry she would run around underneath him with a mattress; if she was being completely honest - she didn't really care whether Harry was okay or not. Quidditch was fair game. He was let on the team and got bought a Nimbus Two Thousand so he had a debt coming his way.

Marcus strode into the Great Hall with the rest of the quidditch team, he was a chaser along with Gray Montague and Adrian Pucey , (the one who had been tackled to the floor by Terence Higgs who was the team seeker). Miles Bletchley was the keeper and Perry Derrick and Lucian Bole were the beaters. They all had their chests puffed out like 'Perfect Percy'. Mila flicked herself. She was supposed to be supporting them. Slytherin was going to win the house cup just like last year.

'I've never seen a proper quidditch game before,' piped Sophie. 'I mean I've watched the drawings in books play but I don't think that really counts.'

'I mean my dad gets us tickets for the Falmouth Falcons every year - you can go with the miserable old git if you'd prefer.'

'Blerghh- Falmouth Falcons,' mocked Draco. 'Wouldn't go to any match except for the Wimbourne Wasps.'

'Oh shush,' said Theo. 'You just like them because they win.'

'Well why else would you support a team?'

'I mean he has a point,' said Daphne

'I totally love the Wimborne Wasps - my father's cousins uncle is one of the players!' gushed Pansy. 'Do you remember Kevin and Karl Broadmoor?'

'Fucking Kevin,' snorted Mila.

'They played for the Falcons,' said Theo rolling his eyes.

In the background they noticed Snape loudly talking to Harry.

'Good luck today, Potter,' he sneered at him. 'Then again, now that you have proven yourself against a mountain troll, a little game of quidditch should be easy work for you - even if it is against Slytherin.'

Harry opened his mouth to object but it looked like he thought better of it.


By eleven o'clock the whole school had gathered in the stands on the quidditch pitch. Draco had asked Mila quietly on the way about her visit to St. Mungos, the rest of her friends - apart from Theo and Sophie - didn't know she was there, so she thanked him for keeping his mouth shut before zooming up the stairs to try and get the best seats. Mila looked down off the stand to see the two teams gathered on the pitch. One in green one in red. In the red team she managed to spot Coray - he wasn't the captain anymore but somehow he managed to keep on the team. He was a chaser alongside Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. Mila then noticed the lack of females on the Slytherin team. She was going to change that next year.

Once the school had settled down, Madam Hooch walked onto the pitch. She was refereeing. You could faintly make out her having words with the players. 

Then she gave a loud blast on her silver whistle. She threw the quaffle high into the air signaling the start of the game. Fifteen brooms rose up, high, high into the air. The teams were off. Sophie squeezed her arm in excitement. Mila had her regular old binoculars but Draco had to show off his omnioculars. She rolled her eyes bitterly when he did.

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