Chapter 23

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As soon as he heard the news, he pulled Bokuto away since he's the only one who drove to the gym in a motorcycle and Atsumu needed the fastest way to get there.

It did not take long for Atsumu to reach the Hospital. He immediately caught Hana outside the building who has been staring into space for a while.

"Where's Hinata?" Atsumu was almost violently shaking Hana to get some answers so the other pointed to the emergency room as she regained her consciousness from shutting the world to herself.

Atsumu ran inside the room while Bokuto stayed outside to ask Hana what happened.

"There was an accident. It was a truck, a car and a bicycle. The truck and the car collided. But don't worry Hinata just got a graze on his head. I'm not sure if it has any serious implication but he's fine now according to the doctor."

There were more series of questions from Bokuto which was gladly answered by Hana which in turn Shocked Bokuto from what he had learned.

While inside the emergency room, Atsumu saw Kageyama beside the bed of Hinata. He was frowning and was shaking his head from time to time as the blond approached him.

"What the hell happened? Why is Hinata here?" Atsumu's eyes landed on the gauze on Hinata's forehead.

"Will he always suffer from incessant injuries? His amnesia and this? This is all your fault!" Then with a loud blaaaaag Kageyama received Atsumu's punch which threw him beside the next bed.

Kageyama stood up and threw more punches towards Atsumu saying all curses he learned in English, Japanese and French.

They were stopped by the guard afterwards and eventually calmed down when they saw Hinata woke up looking at them.

Atsumu stood up and run towards the tangerine to hug him but upon feeling the coldness and wriggling, Atsumu backed away.

"Who are you?" Hinata looked at him quizzically. "Kageyama, who is this guy?"

Bokuto and Hana ran inside the emergency room when they heard the commotion and they witnessed when Hinata had another episode of amnesia.

"H-Hinata... It's me, Atsumu. Hey... You couldn't have forgotten about me, right?"

When Hinata stared at him blankly and no response was gained, Atsumu with horrified face sought for the doctors help, begging the nurses to help him. He was afraid the guy had bumped his head hard during the accident and this time it's for real. Atsumu did not even mind the murmurs and few gossips from the people who had known him.

Meanwhile, Bokuto was raising his eyebrow towards Hinata as he finally learned the truth from Hana. That Hinata with the help of Atsumu lied about the amnesia the tangerine had 'suffered' from the past weeks, and he doubts the truth from the little guy's so called amnesia right now. Based on what he heard earlier from Hana, Hinata threw himself towards the guy with a bicycle to evade the collision of the truck and a car, thus, earning the graze on his forehead and knees. Hinata told Kageyama and Hana the truth before collapsing which was according to the doctor who checked was due to fatigue. Well Kageyama has not recovered from the truth and he was unable to talk for a while during that time and let all the talk on Hana.

Bokuto walked towards the mad man on the nurse station as this kind of embarrassment was not fit in his book, not to think they're both on the same team. Then, he pulled panic guy towards Hinata who's grinning from guilt.

"Dude, wake up, look at your boyfriend."

Atsumu looked at Hinata and aside from Bokuto with his face who can't believe what happened in all those days and Kageyama who wanted to laugh at Atsumu's sorry state but cannot because of the cut on his lips, Hinata and Hana were laughing so hard that the nurses had to stop them from being too boisterous inside the emergency room disturbing the other patients.

Atsumu's eyes welled up and threw himself towards the little guy as it sinks in to him that he was not forgotten.

"B-babe don't do this again. I felt like I died a thousand times. I thought it was real this time. I thought you really forgot about me."

Hinata was sorry but they can only hear Kageyama 'tsked' on the side and left the emergency room while Hana followed after him. She has yet to oblige breaking up with Kageyama. Therefore, technically, they're still in a relationship.

Hinata has confessed the truth to Kageyama and he also told that this time he wanted to break up for real since he no longer has the same feelings as he had before. Things have changed and they got to move on and remain as friends. Kageyama has yet to accept the lies but if Hinata was being honest, he really has to move on and save what remains of them. For now, he had to move away to look for his self.

"B-bokuto-senpai..." Hinata stuttered as he looked at the serious face of the owl.

"Now, you see me? How long do you plan to lie to everyone huh?" Bokuto rubbed Hinata's head hardly with his knuckles.

"Hey! Kotaro stop it! Can't you see he's hurt?"

"Ugh! And you also got led by Hinata? Tsumu, who's older than the two of you?"

There were more bickering and mother talks the two heard from Bokuto which the latter learned from Akaashi.

Don't look for Akaashi he's busy. lol

"The two of you! You have to tell everyone the truth as soon as possible! Hah! You tricked as all. I will tell this to Akaashi and ask him about your punishments. How dare you two."

"Im really sorry Bokuto-senpai! Promise we will tell everyone the truth."

"Everyone in the team was also worried. Call them to let them know yourself. I'm going back to the victory party. I'm still mad at you. Hmp!"

Bokuto stormed out but as for our couple, they shared a smile that's worth a million stars.

"Will you be there with me to tell everyone everything?"

"Yes babe. Whenever, wherever, whatever the situation is I'll be here beside you. I will never leave you. Even if you leave me, I will keep on looking for you. If you forget me, I'll make sure you will remember me and if not I'll still make sure your future will only be with me. I love you with all of me. My heart, my brain, liver, intestines and all." Hinata laughed heartily with Atsumu's last remark.

"I love you too babe."

"Shall we get you out of here? I think everyone might want to see you okay."

"Okay let's do that."

The end.


Yaaaaaay we're done! It's finally a completed! Thank you for coming all the way here till the end and for staying despite me missing out a couple of times.

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p.s. Thanks for supporting! I'll be posting an extra chapter after a while. Sayonara! 

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